On Friday 07 June 2024, at 12.00 WIB, the Faculty of Law, Universitas Islam Indonesia received a visit from Dr. Nadia Naim from Aston University, Birmingham UK. This collaborative exploratory visit is a strategic step to improve the quality of education and research, expand access and opportunities for students, strengthen resources and networks, improve the image and reputation of higher education, and contribute to community development. With commitment, openness, trust and adequate resources, collaboration between universities can achieve the expected goals. Apart from Dr. Nadia, there are also other visits, such as Dr. Mohd. Iqbal bin Abdul Wahab from Malaysia IIUM, Shambhu Prasad, and Prof. Mas Rahmah from UNAIR Surabaya.

The reception for this visit was carried out at Wanawatu Resto, Kec. Prambanan, Kab. Sleman, Yogyakarta and was welcomed by several leaders, professors and several lecturers and staff of FH UII. Namely, the Dean of FH UII Prof. Dr. Budi Agus Riswandi, S.H., M.Hum., The Head of Undergraduate Study Program in Law, Dodik Setiawan Nur Heriyanto, S.H., M.H., LL.M., Ph.D., The Head of Masters Study Program in Law, Prof. Dr. Sefriani, S.H., M.Hum., The Head of Doctoral Study Program in Law, Prof. Dr. M. Syamsudin, S.H., M.H., Secretary of Regular Undergraduate Study Program in Law, Bagya Agung Prabowo, S.H., M.Hum, Ph.D., Secretary of International Undergraduate Study Program in Law, Dr. Aroma Elmina Martha, S.H., M.H. Furthermore, the lecturers who attended included, Prof. Dra. Sri Wartini, S.H., M.H., Ph.D., Christopher M Cason, JD., LL.M., Frances Duffy, LL.M., Grad Dip Ed, BA., CEL., Ayu Izza Elvany, S.H., M.H., Rahadian D.B. Suwartono, S.H. M.H., and Galih Dwi Ramadhan, S.H., M.H., LL.M. The activity began with a friendly meeting, followed by exploring cooperation and discussions between the UII Faculty of Law and Dr. Nadia Naim from Aston University, then continued with lunch together and taking photos together at Wanawatu Resto.

“Collaboration between the UII Faculty of Law and Aston University will provide many benefits both in the academic and non-academic fields. Such as the opportunity to open CTP (Credit Transfer Program), Summer Course, Joint Degree Program, student exchange, and HTCP (Hybrid Teaching Collaboration Program). Apart from what has been mentioned above, another collaboration that can be carried out is joint research and curriculum development between the UII Faculty of Law and Aston University,” explained the Head of Undergraduate Study Program in Law, Dodik Setiawan Nur Heriyanto, S.H., M.H., LL.M., Ph.D.

“Corporate Law and IPR Under the UK Legal System” is the theme presented by General Lecturer Dr. Nadia Naim on Wednesday (26/7), taking place in the East Wing of the Stage Room, 3rd Floor, Faculty of Law (FH) Building, Indonesian Islamic University (UII). The Public Lecture was held as part of the initiation of the Faculty of Law at the Islamic University of Indonesia.

Dr. Nadia Naim works as a Senior Lecturer at Aston Law School, Aston University, Birmingham UK. He is an academic responsible for areas including Intellectual Property Rights, International Intellectual Property Policy and Development, and Islamic Finance and International Trade. “Aston University, especially the Law School, has an orientation towards Business and Trade Law. This is so that our students have an entrepreneurial spirit so that they can create jobs. Moreover, the UK ranks fourth (4th) in the global innovation index which to enter into rank 4 must meet 80 indicators and one of these indicators is the IPR. Apart from that, interest in Islamic Finance Law in England is also increasing,” explained Nadia in her presentation.

The public lecture lasted 90 minutes and was attended by more than 50 students. The speaker was accompanied by the Head of the Law Study Program at the Faculty of Law (FH) at the Islamic University of Indonesia (UII), namely Dodik Setiawan Nur Heriyanto, S.H., M.H., LL.M., Ph. D. together with the Secretary of the Law Study Program International Program FH UII Dr. Aroma Elmina Martha, S.H., M.H. “The World Intellectual Property Organization deals with RIGHTS on an international scale to standardize intellectual protection. IPR legal standards throughout the world refer to the standards set by IPR. The requirements for obtaining a copyright are proving its originality, fulfilling the product category that can be copyrighted, ensuring that the product is tangible. So a person can become a Creator if the results of his creation meet the three categories above. he explained.

The series of Public Lecture events were interspersed with discussion activities between Dr. Nadia with the Dean of FH UII and several high-ranking officials of FH UII discussed the potential for collaboration between FH UII and Aston University in developing international mobility and research activities between the two parties. In addition, Nadia had the opportunity to tour the ancient site of Kimpulan Temple in the middle of the Indonesian Islamic University Library area, and enjoy the beauty of Borobudur Temple, Mount Merapi, Malioboro Street, and shop at Batik Hamzah.

Sleman, law.uii.ac.id – Postgraduate Law Master’s Program, Faculty of Law, Islamic University of Indonesia (MH UII) is committed to continuing its endeavours in increasing scientific knowledge, one of which is by holding General Lectures by academics and practitioners who are experts in their fields. This Public Lecture which was held on Wednesday (26/7) with Dr. Nadia Naim Senior Lecturer from Aston Law School, Aston University, Birmingham UK. Nadia hosted the Public Lecture with the theme “IPR Based on Law and Development Perspective” at the Stage Room, East Wing, Lt. 3 Building of the Faculty of Law, Islamic University of Indonesia at 09.00 – 11.00 WIB and was attended by more than 50 students of the Law Master’s Program at the Faculty of Law, University of Indonesia.

Nadia Naim in her presentation explained that with Intellectual Property Rights, one can monetize and get rewards from innovations made. Talking about IPR means talking about new ideas, then these ideas are implemented into a product. So it is necessary to have IPR to protect the right to create the product and to guarantee confidentiality in the manufacture of a product. “In Europe, every item or work has obtained its IPR by registering the documents that support the manufacture of the item or work, then the work will receive 70 years of IPR which is still valid even after the creator of the work dies,” he said.

Furthermore, Head of the UII Law Faculty of Law Study Program, Dodik Setiawan Nur Heriyanto, S.H., M.H., LL.M., Ph.D. conveyed in his speech that students need the insertion of comparative knowledge. “Students will not only deal with domestic problems, because now there are many influences from outside. We adopt IPR from the TRIPS Agreement from the Franchise Agreement, we all adopt it from the practices of foreign companies in Indonesia.” he concluded. In this case, Dodik became the moderator and helped with the translation during the General Lecturer.

The Law Study Program for the Undergraduate Program in collaboration with the Deputy Dean for Religion, Student Affairs, and Alumni of the Faculty of Law, the Islamic University of Indonesia held a debriefing activity for the alumni of the Law Study Program for the Undergraduate Law Program at the UII Faculty of Law. This activity was attended by approximately 73 alumni graduates, who will later be graduated in the 5th period of UII Graduation for the 2022-2023 Academic Year. This time the alumni debriefing was attended by 3 speakers. The first resource person was Dr. Busyo Muqoddas, S.H., M.Hum., lecturer at the Faculty of Law of UII who is also an alumnus of the Law Study Program for the Undergraduate Program and the Law Study Program for the Doctoral Program at the Faculty of Law at the Islamic University of Indonesia. The second speaker Inas Syahira, S.H., M.H. who is one of the graduates of the Law Study Program Undergraduate International Program at the Faculty of Law of the Islamic University of Indonesia and the third resource person from DPKA UII (Directorate of Development and Career Alumni of the Indonesian Islamic University Alumni namely Lifthya Ahadiyati Akmala, S.Psi., M.Psi., Psychologist.

Deputy Dean for Religion, Student Affairs, and Alumni of the UII Faculty of Law, Drs. Agus Triyanta, M.A., M.H., Ph.D. conveyed a message in his remarks “We hope that prospective graduates and female graduates will get their initial expectations when they enter the Faculty of Law at the Indonesian Islamic University. Hopefully the expectations at the beginning will still be achieved and achieved. We also hope that you will get good experiences that can be a provision when you enter the world of work or who will continue into the world of education.”

As for the message from Dr. Busyo Muqoddas, S.H., M.Hum. who conveyed “Alumni’s Humanitarian Mission to Change the Country, there are three things, namely first, Alumni must have knowledge, scholarly status, contain humanitarian missions, and justice. Second, knowledge and scholarship are not intended to accumulate wealth by thinking and acting to prostitute knowledge (Intellectual Prostitution). Third, UII Alumni must have a mission with knowledge to become leaders of change who are full of God’s grace and love.”

Then the Head of the Law Study Program for the Undergraduate Program also said that “this event is very important to provide inspiration to graduates of the Law Study Program for the Undergraduate Program at the Faculty of Law, Indonesian Islamic University.” This event was held in the Auditorium Room 4th Floor and ended with a question and answer session and group photos.

Master and Doctor Program in Law, Faculty of Law, Universitas Islam Indonesia held a Visiting Professor agenda which was held on 6 Jumadil Ula 1443H/ 11 December 2021 and 18 Jumadil-Ula 1443 H/ 23 December 2021.

Present as a guest speaker at the Visiting Professor batch 1, Prof. Dr. Anis Pattanaprichawang (Academy of Islamic and Arabic Studies, Princess of Naradhiwas University Thailand) and Dr. Abdul Jamil, S.H., M.H. (FH UII) with the moderator M. Syafei, S.H., M.H with the theme “Role and Challenges of Islamic Family Law in the Time of Pandemic”.

Delivered by Dr. Jamil that in western society modernism contains the notion of thoughts, schools, movements and efforts to change old understandings and customs so that they can be adapted to new opinions and conditions brought about by the development of science and technology. According to him, the renewal of Islamic family law is an effort to adapt Islamic family law to new developments. “It does not mean changing, reducing or adding to the text of the Qur’an and Hadith,” he added.

Furthermore, the Visiting Professor batch II presented Prof. Dr. Farid Sufian bin Shuaib (Professor in Constitutional Law, Ahmad Ibrahim Kuliyyah of Laws International Islamic University of Malaysia0 and Prof. Dr. Ni’matul Huda, SH, M.Hum. (FH UII) with the theme “Bending the Constitution in Managing Life and Politics during the Pandemic?: The Malaysian and Indonesian Experience”.

Prof. Dr. Farid Sufian bin Shuaib said that political dynamics occurred with various changes in prime ministers in Malaysia after the 2018 election. According to him, the issues that developed later were not only health but also related to people’s freedoms, rights to privacy, freedom of speech, freedom of speech, property rights. “There was a proposal to postpone the election, but it was not done and still fill government positions,” he said.

Furthermore, expressed by Prof. Ni’matul that there was a tug-of-war between the central government and local governments in handling COVID-19 in Indonesia. He also added that the implementation of regional head elections at that time also seemed forced, even though according to him, in a pandemic, health matters should be the main thing and be considered by the government.

Some Efforts to protect minority rights are politically good, social, culture and economy and religious freedom which are non-derogable rights must indeed be voiced because it is supposed to be any sovereign state in the world obliged to provide careful protection in accordance with the aims and objectives of the UN Charter. And Indonesia with the 1945 Constitution article 27.28,29,30, and 31 must also participate in the fight for human rights.

In order to having deep discussion for above problem, The Doctoral Program in Law, the Master Program in Law and Master Program in Notarial Law Faculty of Law Universitas Islam Indonesia held an International Conference entitled “Ethnic Minority Groups in Majority Ethnic Countries”. Located in the Auditorium of the Endowment Agency of the Islamic University of Indonesia on Tuesday, December 17, 2019. Here the Conference presented several speakers such as  Prof. Samina Yasmeen, Director and Founder of UWA’s Center for Muslim States and Societies Australia, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Rohaida Nordin, from the Malaysian National University, Assoc Prof. Dr. Muhammadzakee Cheha from Fatoni University Thailand, and Prof. Jawahir Thontowi, S.H., Ph.D, Nandang Sutrisno, S.H., LL.M., M.Hum., Ph.D. and Drs. Agus Triyanta, M.A., M.H., Ph.D, from Faculty of Law Universitas Islam Indonesia.

Also present for opening session, Deputy Chancellor of the Field of Networking and Entrepreneurship of the Indonesian Islamic University Ir. Wiryono Raharjo, M.Arch., Ph.D. Meanwhile it acts as Dr.’s speaker keynote. Sulaiman Syarif. The Secretary General of Law and International Treaties of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia expressed deep concern over the issues of minority communities, especially those living in non-Muslim countries.

Dean Faculty of Law UII Dr. Abdul Jamil, S.H., M.H who was then present and was asked by several media information said that at present many issues are rife about the unpleasant treatment received by minority Muslims from his country. Among these, ethnic Uighur Muslims in China, Rohing in Myanmar, and Muslims in Pathani Thailand. “They need help from the international world.”Avul Jamil’s light. Therefore this International conference is carried out one of which aims to find a solution about the problem above.

Prof. Jawahir Thontowi, S.H., Ph.D. stated that countries that failed to carry out their duties in providing protection, recognition, and respect for human rights especially minority groups need to get attention from the international community, even punishment of either a blockade or an embargo as the Israeli Government’s treatment of the Palestinian people.

Prof. Jawahir urged the UN Human Rights Commission to take appropriate and convincing action to countries that clearly violated the Genocide Convention or violations of humanitarian crimes, urged the Indonesian government to provide assistance to the Uighur tribal community in Xinjiang to be given the right to freedom in carrying out and amending Islamic teachings. Urge Muslim States to help and encourage unity to voice human rights enforcement and judicial proceedings in the International Criminal Court. As well as several other statements related to this.