“Fun!” Is one word spoken by all foreign students who take part in the 2023 Cultural Event organized by the International Program Undergraduate Study Program in Law, Faculty of Law, Universitas Islam Indonesia from Friday to Saturday April 7-8 2023 at D’Omah Hotel, Tembi Village tourist area, Bantul.

There were four foreign students who took part in this activity including: Meeran Hamid from Pakistan, Balogun Faidat Temitope from Nigeria, Anna Louise Williams and Thomas Matthias Kubler Shaw from Australia. In this program, students take part in various cultural programs to learn more about not only Yogyakarta culture but also matters relating to the influence of Islam on Yogyakarta culture.

The Cultural Event began with a presentation session by Christopher M. Cason, JD., LL.M. as a lecturer at the Faculty of Law Universitas Islam Indonesia with the title “Understanding Islam: American Perspective” in this session foreign students shared stories about how Islam is known in their country and how the experience of being a minority in Indonesia. While the second presentation session was delivered by Dodik Setiawan Nur Heriyanto, S.H., M.H., LL.M., Ph.D. as Head of the Undergraduate Study Program in Law under theme “Islam and Yogyakarta’s Culture” among his explanations regarding the philosophy of the imaginary line connecting Mount Merapi, the Yogyakarta Palace, the Krapyak Stage and Parangtritis Beach. The activity was continued by playing traditional games, one of which was Dakon while going around doing sightseeing to see the atmosphere of the village in Tembi and nearby areas such as Parangtritis beach.

In his remarks, the Dean of the Faculty of Universitas Islam Indonesia, Prof. Budi Agus Riswandi, S.H., M.Hum. expressed gratitude and appreciation for the implementation of this Cultural Event. “I am very grateful to the foreign students at the Faculty of Law, Universitas Islam Indonesia who have entrusted them to study at the Faculty of Law, Universitas Islam Indonesia, both Part Time Study and Full Time Study. I hope students can gain experience and knowledge while studying in Yogyakarta and at UII. It is hoped that this program will provide benefits when they return to their respective countries.” concluded Prof. Budi Agus Riswandi, S.H., M.Hum. The Dean of the Faculty of Law Universitas Islam Indonesia while officially opening the Cultural Event.

Head of Undergraduate Study Program in Law, Faculty of Law, Universitas Islam Indonesia, Dodik Setiawan Nur Heriyanto, S.H., M.H., LL.M., Ph.D. stated that this Cultural Event will be held starting this year as well as a Pilot Project because the Undergraduate Study Program in Law will accept approximately 20 to 30 foreign students in the odd semesters of the 2023/2024 academic year. This Cultural Event is not only for students to learn lessons on campus but it is hoped that students can understand the cultural diversity that exists in Indonesia so that students are able to get to know the theory of Islamic values and universal values.

“The Yogyakarta culture that we introduce to students is very intact with introductions starting from a geographical perspective to detailed aspects related to Yogyakarta culture such as cultural architecture, the structure of the Mataram kingdom, and students also take part in batik training. Students are also expected to be able to understand how the influence of Islam is in Yogyakarta and what kind of Islamic values can be found at Universitas Islam Indonesia which are universal and can later be picked up and developed when they return to their respective countries.” said the Head Head of Undergraduate Study Program in Law, Faculty of Law, Universitas Islam Indonesia closed the coverage session.

Monday, April 10 2023 at the Dean’s Room, the Faculty of Law of Universitas Islam Indonesia has entered into a collaboration between Maqdir Ismail & Partners and the Faculty of Law of the Universitas Islam Indonesia. The signing of this collaboration was witnessed directly by Dr. Maqdir Ismail, S.H., LL.M. as Chairman of Maqdir Ismail & Partners Law Firm located in Jakarta.

“He is one of the alumni of the Faculty of Law, Universitas Islam Indonesia and we are very grateful because he is still thinking about the developments in the Faculty of Law, Universitas Islam Indonesia. The signing of this agreement is at least the first step in the implementation of the Independence Study (MBKM) program in the Law Study Program for the Undergraduate Program which has the opportunity to be developed into Study Programs at the Faculty of Law, Universitas Islam Indonesia and other programs.” explained Prof. Budi Agus Riswandi, S.H., M.Hum. as the Dean of the Faculty of Law, Universitas Islam Indonesia after the event.

Before starting the signing of the agreement, Dr. Maqdir Ismail, S.H., LL.M. said that currently there are many legal issues that have started to be complicated and complex which are a challenge, especially for educational institutions. “I hope that this collaboration can boost contributions, especially research at the Faculty of Law Universitas Islam Indonesia, especially for law enforcement in Indonesia and increase the involvement of students to gain practical knowledge in the field of law considering that currently law is a very rapidly developing science” said Dr. Maqdir Ismail, S.H., LL.M.

Head of the Undergraduate Study Program in Law, Faculty of Law, Universitas Islam Indonesia, Dodik Setiawan Nur Heriyanto, S.H., M.H., LL.M., Ph.D. expressed his hopes for the realization of this agreement. “I hope this agreement can make a major contribution, especially for Undergraduate Study Program in Law, specifically for students who will take part in the Independence Study program, Law Practice. The results of this agreement allow students to take part in apprenticeship activities at the Maqdir Ismail & Partners office in Jakarta so that they can gain practical experience at a law office in Jakarta which has a high reputation in solving major cases, especially at the national level in Republic of Indonesia. I hope that this collaboration can also provide opportunities, especially for partners at Maqdir Ismail & Partners to be able to provide teaching practitioners to be involved in the learning process at the Faculty of Law, Universitas Islam Indonesia.” Said the Head of Undergraduate Study Program in Law, Dodik Setiawan Nur Heriyanto, S.H., M.H., LL.M., Ph.D.

The signing of this agreement was attended by the Dean, Deputy Dean of Resources, Deputy Dean of Religion, Student Affairs and Alumni, Head of Department, Secretary of Department, Head of Undergraduate Study Program in Law, Secretary of Undergraduate Study Program in Law, Secretary for International Program Undergraduate Study Program in Law, Faculty of Law, Universitas Islam Indonesia then ended with the handing over of souvenirs.

The International Undergraduate Program in Law Faculty of Law, Universitas Islam Indonesia on last week and this week (20/03/2023) & (27/03/2023) carried out the Consulting Process for the Translation of the Module for Legal Proficiency Courses for five courses. This activity took place in the Erasmus+ room on the 3rd floor of the Faculty of Law with participants including all International Program staff, several staff from the Education and Training Center (PUSDIKLAT FH UII) directed by several lecturers for proofreading including Dodik Setiawan Nur Heriyanto, S.H., M.H., LL.M., Ph.D. as Head of Undergraduate Program in Law, Dr. Aroma Elmina Martha, S.H.,M.H. as Secretary of the International Undergraduate Program in Law, and Christopher M. Cason, JD., LL.M. as a permanent lecturer at the Faculty of Law, Universitas Islam Indonesia.

The five modules translated were: (1) Legislation Drafting Course Module, (2) Contracts Drafting Course Module, (3) Practice of Prosecution Course Module, (4) Practice of Investigation Course Module, and (5) Advocacy Course Module. The total number of pages of all modules is approximately around 1000 pages and will be used as learning material for Practicum Subjects in the International Program.

The Head of Undergraduate Program in Law, Dodik Setiawan Nur Heriyanto, S.H., M.H., LL.M., Ph.D. who also led the translation team expressed his gratitude for the realization of this activity. “All modules will be used as learning materials in the International Program and will serve as a handbook for International Program students, especially foreign students so that they can more easily understand the Practice of Procedural Procedures or Legal Practice in Indonesia. Of course, besides students studying legal practice in Indonesia, they are also emphasized to learn comparative aspects of the Common Law system.” he concluded.

The Undergraduate Program in Law Faculty of Law UII conducts training on the use of Google Classroom aimed at Academic Advisor Assistants (DPA Assistants). The use of Google Classroom is very important to do in order to support the process of implementing academic guidance from Academic Supervisor Assistants (DPA Companion) to students starting in the even semester of the 2022-2023 academic year. Most guidance can be done online or offline, in which the entire guidance process must be recorded and delivered via Google Classroom.

At the opening session the Head of Undergraduate Program in Law Mr. Dodik Setiawan Nur Heriyanto, S.H., M.H., LL.M., Ph.D. gave his remarks by saying “that the academic guidance process starting from the Even Semester 2022/2023 has changed, especially in the pattern of implementation of academic guidance or guidance which has so far been carried out physically but can also be done online. As for all guidance activities carried out and all activities in general can be carried out both face to face with lecturers and online and all activities must be recorded via Google classroom for documentation that can be utilized by Academic Advisors (DPA), students, and the Undergraduate Program in Law.”

Meanwhile, the Law Study Program for the Undergraduate Program is preparing an information system and the system will be used for lecturers to students to conduct online guidance, but this system is still in the process of being developed and God willing, it will begin to be treated in the Even Semester of the 2023/2024 academic year.

The Academic Advisor Assistant Training (DPA Companion) was attended by around 40 assistants, most of whom were educators. The speaker at this training was the Head of the Academic Division Mr. M. Arif Satejo Kinady, A.Md. The training session ended with a question and answer session.

Faculty of Law UII conducted the inauguration of Hukum Online Corner on Monday, March 13 2023. The aim of the inauguration of Hukum Online Corner at Faculty of Law UII was to introduce Hukum Online and facilitate students and lecturers through the official Hukum Online website as a quality helper in the field of Law science. Hukum Online Corner Placement is placed in the Reference Room in the Lobby area of ​​the east wing of Faculty of Law UII. Now students and lecturers are facilitated by Hukum Online Corner in finding legal references both to deepen personal knowledge and to write papers.

Faculty of Law UII with Hukum Online held an agenda for Sharing Practices “Sharing on Experience in Establishing and Raising Hukum Online”. This agenda was carried out in the morning session before the inauguration of Hukum Online Corner. This Sharing Practices was held at the West Wing Stage Room, floor 3, Faculty of Law UII, by presenting one of the alumni of Faculty of Law UII who worked in Hukum Online, namely Mrs. Farah Purwaningrum, Ph.D. Sharing Practices agenda was carried out smoothly with an audience of 50 students from Faculty of Law UII.

After the Sharing Practices agenda, the inauguration of Hukum Online Corner took place in the Reference Room in the Lobby area of ​​the east wing of the Faculty of Law UII. This agenda was attended by Hukum Online ranks and Faculty of Law UII Leaders along with lecturers and students. On the agenda for the inauguration of Hukum Online Corner, a ribbon-cutting session was held and the signing of the MoU by Prof. Dr. Budi Agus Riswandi, S.H., M.Hum. as Dean of the Faculty of Law UII and Mr. Amri Hakim as Chief Engagement of Hukum Online. Then on the agenda for the inauguration there was also a ceremonial release for MBKM students to practice law in Hukum Online (even semester 2022/2023).

The guests from Hukum Online paid a visit to the UII Museum and UII Kimpulan Temple after the inauguration of Hukum Online Corner and Sharing Practices finished. The visit by Hukum Online to the UII Museum and UII Kimpulan Temple was completed in the afternoon.

The Undergraduate Program in Law, Faculty of Law, Universitas Islam Indonesia, on Friday 10th of March 2023 received a visit from a delegation from Western Sydney University, Dr. Jeremy Kingsley with delegation from the Indonesian International Islamic University Prof. Dr. Jamhari Makruf, M.A., Ph.D. the Vice Chancellor of Universitas Islam Internasional Indonesia; followed by a delegation from UIN Jakarta drg. Laifa Annisa Hendarmin, Ph.D. lecturer at the Faculty of Medicine and Health, UIN Jakarta. The visit was received by the host and representatives from Universitas Islam Indonesia those are the Director of Partnerships/ Office of International Affairs Universitas Islam indonesia (DK KUI) Dr. Joni Aldilla Fajri, S.T., M.Eng. as the Head of Division of International Partnerships, together with Nihlah Ilhami, S.Pd. as Head of Division of International Mobility. As for the host, the Head of The Undergraduate Program in Law, Faculty of Law Universitas Islam Indonesia, Dodik Setiawan Nur Heriyanto, S.H., M.H., LL.M., Ph.D; Secretary of Undergraduate Program in Law, Faculty of Law, Universitas Islam Indonesia, Bagya Agung Prabowo, S.H., M.Hum., Ph.D; Secretary of International Undergraduate Program in Law, Universitas Islam Indonesia, Dr. Aroma Elmina Martha, S.H., M.H. The meeting took place in the Erasmus room, 3rd floor Faculty of Law.

On this occasion, the party delegated from Western Sydney University plans to initiate a kind of consortium for law study programs in Indonesia, one of which is the Universitas Islam Indonesia. The consortium will later be created in order to support the “Indonesian Law, Governance and Culture Program”, one of which will boost the Exchange, Study Tour, Language Training and Internship programs.

In November to December 2023, it is expected that 25 foreign students from Western Sydney University will take part in the Study Tour and Exchange Program for approximately two weeks at the Undergraduate Program in Law, Faculty of Law, Universitas Islam Indonesia. Apart from learning about Customary Law, students from Western Sydney University will also learn about the various cultures in Yogyakarta.

The discussion continued with several steps related to the signing of the MoU. This MoU will later become one of the legal umbrellas for the implementation of the Study Tour Program which is planned to be held in November 2023.

“We, from the Undergraduate Program in Law, Faculty of Law, Universitas Islam Indonesia, are very pleased to receive the visit of a delegation from Western Sydney University, this indicates that we have gained international recognition which has become one of the trusted study destinations for foreign students, especially from Australia. For now there are 2 Australian students who have been taking part in the Credit Transfer Program and Insya Allah in the odd semester on November there will be approximately 25 students taking part in an exchange program / study tour at International Undergraduate Program in Law, Faculty of Law, Islamic University of Indonesia. We are very open to internationalization programs and it is hoped that in the coming year the Faculty of Law Universitas Islam Indonesia will send students to study in Australia.” This was the remarks from Head of Undergraduate Program in Law, Faculty of Law, Faculty of Law, Dodik Setiawan Nur Heriyanto, S.H., M.H., LL.M., Ph.D.

Undergraduate Program in Law (PSHPS), Faculty of Law (FH), Indonesian Islamic University (UII) held a Guest Lecturer “Adat Law in Malaysia Legal System” with speaker Prof. Dr. Farid Sufian bin Shuhaib, The Professor at Ahmad Ibrahim Kulliyyah of Laws International Islamic University Malaysia. This public lecture was held in the Auditorium Room on the fourth floor of the Faculty of Law UII Building, on Wednesday (1/3).

The event was attended by delegates from IIUM including Associate Professor Dr Zuraidah Hj Ali and her husband Mr Zulkifli Othman from International Islamic University Malaysia. As for the Faculty of Law, the Dean of Faculty of Law Universitas Islam Indonesia Prof. Dr. Budi Agus Riswandi, S.H., M.Hum; The Head of Undergraduate Study Program in Law, Faculty of Law Universitas Islam Indonesia Dodik Setiawan Nur Heriyanto, S.H., M.H., LL.M., Ph.D; The Secretary of Undergraduate Program in Law, Faculty of Law, Universitas Islam Indonesia Bagya Agung Prabowo, S.H., M.Hum., Ph.D; The Secretary of International Undergraduate Program in Law, Faculty of Law, Universitas Islam Indonesia Dr. Aroma Elmina Martha, S.H., M.H; as well as moderator of The Head of Cluster of Civil Law, Faculty of Law at the Islamic University of Indonesia, Abdurrahman Al Faqiih, S.H., M.A., L.LM.

Before entering the main event, Mr. Abdurrahman started the guest lecture session with a statement “it is important for us to know and compare adat laws in other countries. Particularly in Malaysia as our neighboring country that tends to have a similar culture clumps and a country that shares a common culture family. And it is a golden opportunity to know what adat law looks like in the Malaysian legal system,” as said by Abdurrahman.

The varying customary law existed in cause by the geographic differences. Those customs such as (1) Malay adat in Sabah and Sarawak (2) native custom in Sabah and Sarawak (3) custom aborigines/orang native/orang asori (they have rights over the land) (4) Chinese customary law (5) Hindu customary law.

“A legal pluralism approach is used in Malaysia to provide different laws for different groups in society accordingly there are official laws and unofficial laws. There are 3 courts in Malaysia, one of them is the native court system that applies to native customs only in Sabah and Sarawak but is not applicable in the peninsula. Customary law in Malaysia should be proofed by the elders, experts or community prominent persons to give evidence in the court that this is part of custom’s practice and can be given force of law by the court.” As said by Prof. Dr. Farid Sufian bin Shuhain.

“As for Malay adat, there are Temenggung adat and Perpatih adat. Adat Perpatih has a connection with Custom Law in Indonesia because adat Perpatih is basically from Minang, West Sumatra. In history, there Is a community came from Sumatra and most of them arrived in Negeri Sembilan on the Peninsula, then they established there. They have their own applicable customary law in Negeri Sembilan and inheritance for example ‘Harta Ibu’. he continued.

The Guest Lecture event was attended by more than 200 students and was broadcast live via FH UII’s YouTube channel (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lVnywF-RonM). The event then continued with a tour of the museum and temple guided by The Head of Undergraduate Study Program in Law “we are very grateful that the International Islamic University Malaysia is willing to give a guest lecture and enjoy the remaining cultural heritage that still exists at our university, hopefully this event can be a means kinship of both parties, ” said Dodik Setiawan.

Ahmad Ibrahim Kulliyyah of Laws (AIKOL) International Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM) visited the Undergraduate Study Program in Law, Faculty of Law in the context of Benchmarking on Management of Study Programs and Law Centers at the Faculty of Law, Universitas Islam Indonesia on Wednesday (1/3) at in Dean’s room.

The delegation from IIUM consisted of 3 people led by Prof. Dr. Farid Sufian bin Shuhaib, The Professor at Ahmad Ibrahim Kulliyyah of Laws International Islamic University Malaysia, and accompanied by Associate Professor Dr Zuraidah Hj Ali and her husband Mr Zulkifli Othman from International Islamic University Malaysia. The delegation was received directly by the Dean of the Faculty of Law, Universitas Islam Indonesia, Prof. Dr. Budi Agus Riswandi, S.H., M.Hum. along with The Head of Undergraduate Study Program in Law, Faculty of Law, Indonesian Islamic University Dodik Setiawan Nur Heriyanto.


The delegates expressed their gratitude to the Undergraduate Study Program in Law for receiving a visit from IIUM. the background for benchmarking was because IIUM wanted to learn about the management carried out by the Study Program and explanations about Law Center services at the Faculty of Law UII (PSH FH UII).

Meanwhile in his remarks, Prof. Dr. Budi Agus Riswandi, S.H., M.Hum. expressed gratitude for the visit from IIUM to UII. “It is great hope that the Faculty of Law UII and AIKOL IIUM can continue to share with each other in order to achieve mutual progress,” he concluded.

The Law Study Program Undergraduate Program (PSHPS) Faculty of Law (FH) Universitas Islam Indonesia (UII) welcomed delegations for management and development of the Law Consultation and (MBKM) Service Benchmarking on Wednesday (22/02). The activity was held in the Erasmus+ Room of the FH UII building attended by the Head of Law Study Program, Dodik Setiawan Nur Heriyanto, S.H., M.H., LL.M., Ph.D., and accompanied by the secretaries of PSHPS and PSHPS International. Jambi University’s Faculty of Law is represented by the Head of the Law Study Program at Jambi University, Akbar Kurnia Putra, S.H., M.H., the Head of the Laboratory Consultation and Legal Services, Elizabeth Siregar, S.H., M.H., and two permanent lecturers of Jambi University’s Faculty of Law.

Head of PSHPS FH UII, Dodik Setiawan NH, S.H., M.H., LL.M., Ph.D., mentions in his exposure that the application of the MBKM FH UII model that blends into the curriculum is integrated with a good system. Although Permendikbud does not mention details about the MBKM implementation model in the guidelines, each institution is given freedom of choice regarding the implementation model. FH UII partners with a number of companies to ensure the success of this program year by year.

Elizabeth Siregar, S.H., M.H., Head of Laboratory Consultation and Legal Services, explained that the goal of this benchmarking visit is to learn specific things, such as: (1) what is the campaign mechanism of the MBKM program run by FH UII to increase the number of students who are enthusiasts; (2) how is the management of FH UII in the existing number of fields to manage its existence until these days; and (3) how is the funding and budgeting management run.

Dodik concluded by thanking the entire delegation of Jambi University’s Faculty of Law for entrusting FH UII as an objective study in the implementation of the MBKM program. “We will always be open for sustainable discussion, and we welcome your next visit to the office of the Legal Consultation and Aid Institute, Faculty of Law, Indonesian Islamic University (LKBH FH UII) located on Jalan Lawu,” he concluded.

On Tuesday, 16 Rajab 1444H/7 February 2023 the Law Study Program Undergraduate Program (PSHPS) Faculty of Law, Universitas Islam Indonesia (UII) accepted two foreign students from Queensland University and Macquire University who will study for approximately one semester in Even Semester Academic Year 2022/2023. The two students are Anna Williams (Macquire University) and Thomas Shaw (University of Queensland). These two students will study for approximately one semester and take at least eight credits of courses at the International Program, Undergraduate Study Program in Law, Faculty of Law, UII, all of which are taught in English.

In his remarks, the Dean of Faculty of Law UII said that Undergraduate Study Program in Law UII had developed very rapidly. This is evidenced by the international accreditation of the Foundation for International Business Administration Accreditation (FIBAA) from Germany and The ASEAN University Network-Quality Assurance (AUN-QA) where this international recognition is the basic capital to be trusted by foreign universities and foreign students to study at the study program.

Prof. Dr. Budi Agus also explained that the Study Program already has an International Program which was established for the first time in Indonesia and already has an excellent curriculum so that it can equip students to compete at a global level. “We are very grateful to the two Australian students, who have given their full trust to study at PSHPS, the International Program of Undergraduate Study Program in Law UII.

The Welcoming Ceremony was held in the Erasmus room and continued with a campus tour, introduced in several places and rooms in the FH building and the UII area as a whole. It is hoped that these two foreign students can study for one semester and there are no obstacles and can finish quickly.

“Since the Odd semester of 2022/2023, the study program has started to be trusted to be a study destination for law students at foreign universities , and in the last odd semester there was one foreign student from Murdoch University who had joined the Transfer Credit Program in our Study Program, and recently it accepts two foreign students. It is hoped that in the future many foreign students will study at the study program, because this study program already has many collaborations and the plan is to expand it further to the continent of Europe and the continent of the United States.” Said the Head of PSHPS Study Program, Dodik Setiawan Nur Heriyanto, S.H., M.H., LL.M., Ph.D.