(Yogyakarta) Geographical Indications as one of the intellectual property rights regimes have the potential to advance the society economy in certain areas. Magelang Regency has produced one Geographical Indication product, namely Beras Mentik Wangi Susu Sawangan. This rice is produced in Sawangan, Magelang Regency, Central Java.

Geographical Indication Area of Beras Mentik Wangi Susu Sawangan

The application for registration of Geographical Indications was made by the Society for the Protection of Geographical Indications of Beras Mentik Wangi Susu Sawangan (MPIGBMWSS) and a management structure has been formed, which consists of members of the rice farmers of Mentik Wangi Sawangan. Application for registration of Geographical Indications which is currently in the certification process at the Directorate General of Intellectual Property of the Ministry of Law and Human Rights.

Geographical Indication Logo of Beras Mentik Wangi Susu Sawangan

The Geographical Indication Registration is accompanied directly by the Center for Intellectual Property Rights, Law, Technology and Business (PHKIHTB) Faculty of Law UII. Director of PHKIHTB Dr.Budi Agus Riswandi, SH., M.Hum as an IPR consultant directly oversees and assists the process of completing both substantive and administrative requirements. Starting from determining the name of the Geographical Indication used, Standard Operating Procedure (SOP), and all the completeness of the requirements book.

The use of the name Beras Mentik Wangi Susu Sawangan is actually the name of the national superior variety, namely Beras Mentik Wangi Susu. However, because there are indeed characteristics that come from natural also human factors and the rice is produced in Sawangan, then name that was taken and agreed upon was Beras Mentik Wangi Susu Sawangan. (Putri Yan Dwi Akasih)



Author: Ayunita Nur Rohanawati, S.H., M.H.
Lecture in Faculty of Law, Universitas Islam Indonesia, Departement of Public Administration Law

PANDEMI yang tak kunjung usai memberikan dampak luar biasa bagi pekerja di Indonesia. Berbagai permasalahan muncul di masing-masing perusahaan tempat pekerja bekerja. Seperti penjatuhan PHK saat pekerja menjadi penyintas Covid-19, tidak dibayarkan upah saat mengalami serangan Covid-19, pemaksaan melakukan pekerjaan saat terjangkit Covid-19 hingga menyebabkan besarnya penularan di lingkungan kerja.

Bahkan tak terpenuhinya hak jaminan sosial bagi pekerja serta hak memperoleh keselamatan dan kesehatan kerja yang layak menyesuaikan kondisi pandemi yang terjadi saat ini. Ketika pekerja menjadi penyintas Covid-19 adalah suatu hak bagi pekerja tersebut untuk beristirahat dan menjadi kewajiban untuk melakukan isolasi guna mencegah penularan virus ini. Perlu diingat bahwasanya yang sedang dihadapi dunia bukan sekadar penyakit biasa, melainkan wabah. Wabah yang mudah menular dari satu orang ke orang yang lain. Sehingga perlu penyikapan khusus terkait dengan kondisi yang saat ini terjadi.

Hukum Ketenagakerjaan Indonesia mengenal sebuah asas no work, no pay yang bermakna jika pekerja tidak bekerja, maka tidak akan mendapatkan upah. Hal ini juga sebagaimana yang termuat dalam Peraturan Pemerintah Nomor 36 Tahun 2021 tentang Pengupahan, pada Pasal 40 ayat (1). Pasal ini dimaksudkan untuk menumbuhkan rasa tanggung jawab pada pekerja atas amanah pekerjaan yang dimilikinya di tempat kerja.

Ketentuan tersebut harus dipahami lebih lanjut sebagaimana yang telah disebutkan dalam pasal-pasal lanjutan tentang adanya pengecualian kondisi terkait pemberlakuan no work, no pay ini. Pada Pasal 40 ayat (2) dan (3) PP No 36 Tahun 2021 disebutkan bahwasanya pengecualian atas no work, no pay tersebut salah satunya dalam kondisi pekerja berhalangan melaksanakan pekerjaan karena sakit sehingga menyebabkan pekerja tidak dapat melakukan pekerjaan. Pengecualian tersebut bermakna, pekerja tetap memperoleh haknya berupa upah walaupun tidak melaksanakan pekerjaan karena kondisi sakit. Sehingga tidak dibenarkan adanya pemberlakuan no work, no pay dalam suatu tempat kerja bagi para pekerja yang menjadi penyintas Covid-19.

Pada kasus-kasus yang terjadi di lapangan terkait kondisi pekerja yang dipaksa tetap bekerja walau sedang terpapar Covid-19 yang dianggap tidak bergejala berat tidak dapat dibenarkan. Karena hal ini sama dengan melenggangkan persebaran virus dan tentunya merugikan banyak pihak termasuk perusahaan itu sendiri.

Pemenuhan alat keselamatan dan kesehatan kerja yang sesuai dengan kondisi pandemi saat ini juga menjadi hal yang sangat penting. Keselamatan yang bermakna kondisi lingkungan kerja yang tidak membahayakan pekerja dalam masa pandemi Covid-19, misalnya dengan memastikan dan menjamin tempat kerja memiliki sirkulasi udara yang baik sehingga dapat meminimalisasi penyebaran virus. Kemudian kondisi keselamatan pekerja dalam melaksanakan pekerjaan di masa pandemi ini dengan menyediakan alatalat yang mencegah penularan virus. Seperti masker, disinfectan spray, handsanitizer, pemberian multivitamin, dan sebagainya.

Regulasi telah mengatur sedemikian rupa tentang pengecualian ketentuan no work, no pay. Hanya saja ketentuan ini belum menjadi sempurna karena tidak ada ancaman sanksi administratif maupun pidana manakala tidak dipatuhi. Hal ini bukan menjadi alasan untuk tidak menegakkan ketentuan. Karena pada UU Nomor 2 Tahun 2004 tentang Penyelesaian Perselisihan Hubungan Industrial mengatur mengenai upaya hukum yang dapat ditempuh, manakala terjadi sengketa hubungan industrial. Juga diatur mengenai mekanisme penyelesaian sengketa terkait dengan sengketa hubungan industrial yang terjadi di Indonesia. Termasuk sengketa hubungan industrial yang terjadi saat pandemi ini.

This article have been published in Analisis KR, 29 July 2021.

The Student Guidebook For International Undergraduate Program In Law, Faculty of Law, Universitas Islam Indonesia is a dedicated resource for answering any questions you may have regarding the academic policies and procedures of the Study Program (International Program).

As you will discover as you review this Student Guidebook, we have high hopes that it will be used to its fullest. It is also our hope that as members of the UII Faculty of Law, all students, especially international programs, can attend lectures by observing the rules that have been set. This expectation ensures a high-quality, respectful and human experience for students who are Ulil Albab.

If you have any questions regarding the information contained in the Student Guidebook, please do not hesitate to contact the International Undergraduate Program In Law Office at (0274) 379178, or by email at [email protected]. Further information about the law faculty can be accessed on the https://law.uii.ac.id page.

Innalillahi wa inna Illaihi raji’un

International Program of Faculty of Law of the Universitas Islam Indonesia expressed its condolences for the passing of Purwanto, A.Md. Head of Academic Division, Faculty of Law UII (2014-2018), Head of IT Division, Faculty of Law UII (2010-2014). Rest in Peace. May Allah give him the best place on Jannah.


One of the Faculty of Law Universitas Islam Indonesia students again made an achievement by being selected as a representative in The 2nd CENA (Civil-Society Education Network in Asia) Webinar School 2021. She is Putri Ariqah, a 2018 IP (International Program) Undergraduate Program In Law Study Program student who successfully passed selection to present “Covid-19 in Indonesia”. Besides Putri, there were 4 students from other study programs who also passed the selection. They are Andika Wahyu Pradana (Pharmaceutical Study Program), Reza Ishaq Estiko (Physician Education Study Program), Shufiah Dearesta Ananda (International Relations Study Program – IP), and Zuliyan M.Rizky (International Relations Study Program). Congratulations and success!

With the end of the Even Semester 2020/2021 PSHPS FH UII lecture period, an online Final Semester Examination (UAS) will be held. Therefore, students, please prepare yourself as well as possible to face the exam. Here we attach the UAS schedule via Google Spreadsheet View. Students should always look at this schedule because there are possible updates or schedule changes that may occur for some reason.

Important Note: For students whose attendance is less than 75% still working on the UAS Question, the lecturer will not correct it.


Download the 2020/2021 Even UAS answer sheet template [ reguler ] [ internasional ]

Double Degree and Credit Transfer Program Opportunity to Youngsan University
Odd Semester, Academic Year 2021/2022

Alhamdulilah. All praise to Allah SWT. Faculty of Law, Islamic University of Indonesia, in collaboration with the Faculty of Law of Youngsan University, South Korea have mutually agreed to implement a Credit Transfer Program and Double Degree Program that will be started in Odd Semester Academic Year 2021-2022. The Credit Transfer Program is for 1 (one) semester length period. Meanwhile, the Double Degree Program is based on a 2+2 scheme study period.

Credit Transfer Program to YsU 2021
Detail information and requirements, please visit: https://s.id/Bdwmm
Registration Form: https://s.id/Bds-j
This Program is opened for students at regular and international program minimum 4th semester

Double Degree Program to YsU 2021
Detail information and requirements, please visit: https://s.id/BdwEg
Registration Form: https://s.id/BcYrZ
This Program is opened for students at international program batch 2019

Deadline of submission:
9 July 2021 at 21.00 PM

Contact Person: +62816454117174 (office hours)

The Juridical Council of International Program Faculty of Law, Universitas Islam Indonesia held a Public Lecture entitled: Undang-Undang Baru KPK, TWK, dan Masa Depan KPK, on Saturday (26/06/2021). This public lecture is an answer to the polemics that the anti-corruption institution has brought.
This public lecture invited 3 speakers, namely: Budi Santoso, S.H., M.H. (Former Advisor to the KPK in 2017-2019), Wahyu Priyanka Nata Permana. S.H., M.H. (Member of the Judicial Review Team of the KPK Law), Yogi Zul Fadhli (Director of LBH Yogyakarta). This public lecture was moderated by Akhiruddin Syahputra Lubis, who is the general chairman of JCI FH UII.

Wahyu Priyanka provided material on the Implications of the Indonesian Constitutional Court Decision No. 70 / PUU – XVII/2019 on the Judicial Review of the KPK Law No. 19 of 2019 against the Indonesian KPK and the future of the KPK. Wahyu Priyanka explained that there are 3 implications of the Constitutional Court’s decision on the JR KPK Law: 1. Towards the Position of the KPK and the Authority of the KPK Supervisory Board Against Forced Efforts in terms of Confiscation, Search and Wiretapping, 2. Towards the Authority to Stop Investigation and Prosecution by the KPK, 3. To Transfer of Status CCP employee. “Hopefully the KPK’s performance in eradicating corruption can be maintained, but this all depends on people who have conscience, courage, and integrity in eradicating corruption. It is hard to imagine if there is no conscience, courage, and integrity,” said Wahyu Priyanka.

Meanwhile, Budi Santoso presented material on the Undang-Undang Baru KPK, TWK, dan Masa Depan KPK. At the beginning of his presentation, Budi Santoso explained the extraordinary potential of Indonesia’s wealth, the impact of corruption, the causes of corruption, and the positions of corruption suspects. Budi Santoso recounted that when he became an adviser to the KPK (2019), the KPK received very sudden information that there was already a revised draft of the KPK Law (Quarter four of 2019), the KPK was difficult to obtain and access the said KPK Draft Bill, the KPK identified 26 points that were at risk of weakening the KPK Bill. In addition, he explained that there were 8 points from the implementation of problematic TWK.

Yogi Zul Fadhli presented material regarding the background of the new KPK Law, which had problems with material and formal aspects. From the material aspect, KPK employees are made into ASN. To tame the KPK, the formation of the new KPK Law is procedurally flawed and has no public participation, TWK: Formal and Substantial problems, and Factors that affect the weakening of the KPK.

The public lecture which was attended by 82 participants started at 13.00 WIB, opened by the Secretary of the International Law Bachelor Program, Dodik Setiawan Nur Heriyanto, SH., MH., LLM., Ph.D. and ends at 15.55 WIB.

Alhamdulillah, a student of the Faculty of Law of the Universitas Islam Indonesia (FH UII), was chosen to be Dimas at Dimas Diajeng Jogja City 2021. He is Muhammad Rafif Taufiqurrahman Susanto, batch 2018 from the Regular program, Undergraduate Study Program.

Rafif was elected as Dimas Kota Jogja which was announced at the peak of the election for Dimas Diajeng with the Coronation of Dimas Diajeng Kota Jogja 2021 which was held virtually, Saturday, June 12, 2021. The public can watch the event live through the YouTube channel of the Yogyakarta City Tourism Office.

Head of Yogyakarta City Tourism Office, Wahyu Hendratmoko, S.E., M.M. as the person in charge of organizing the 2021 Dimas Diajeng Election, said that the implementation of the final night of the Dimas Diajeng election is expected to bring up Jogja youths who will become Tourism Ambassadors and also Yogyakarta City Cultural Ambassadors, who will later take on the big responsibility to maintain it as a City of Tourism. Of course, by not leaving the existing ancestral cultural values. By participating in the election of Dimas Diajeng Jogja City, it is an opportunity to play an active role in promoting and developing Yogyakarta City tourism.

Rafif enrolled in the Dimas Diajeng event in the City of Jogja because he was worried about the younger generation whose identity was starting to erode due to the negative effects of globalization, and also brought his background as a law student to try to contribute to the cultural and tourism sector of the City of Yogyakarta which experienced a decline due to the Pandemic (Covid-19).

“Alhamdulillah, thank you for all the support. Participating in the Dimas Diajeng event in Jogja City has shaped me into a better person and I know myself better than before. The Dimas Diajeng Jogja Society taught me many useful things and got to know many great people during the process. The big responsibility that is carried out must continue to be carried out and of course without forgetting my identity as a student of the Faculty of Law UII, I must remain consistent and responsible with the mandate that I carry as a student and as Dimas Kota Jogja”. – said Rafif to us when interviewed via WhatsApp short message.

Congratulations, Rafif, for the achievements that have been achieved! Hopefully istiqomah, always able to bring the good name of the university to act as ulul albab, enlightener, and rahmatan lil ‘alamiin carrying UII’s mission! Spirit!

Students of the Faculty of Law of the Islamic University of Indonesia (FH UII) have again made achievements on the national stage. Moh. Rifaldi Rizmawan, class of 2019 from the Undergraduate Study Program International Program won the second place in the Scientific Writing Competition for the Civil-Trade Section of the UNNES LAW FESTIVAL in 2021 which was held by the Faculty of Law, State University of Semarang.

This competition starts from June 1-9, 2021, then the announcement of the 12 finalists will be held on June 14, 2021. The grand final in the KTI Civil-Trade branch will be held on June 15, 2021. And the announcement of the winners will be held on Monday, June 21, 2021.