Tag Archive for: FH UII

Do you still remember the case of the Sulotco Kalosi Toraja Coffee Brand with a picture of a Toraja house registered and owned by IFES Inc. Corporation California with Registration Number 74547000. This is very extraordinary learning. One of them, it turns out that many foreign parties are currently increasing the competitiveness of their products through mentoring on behalf of the typical and quality products of the Indonesian nation. From this case, it is very important that the names of these distinctive and quality products can be protected through the Geographical Indication (GI) system in order to increase product competitiveness.

Geographical Indications: Regional Marks for /Special Products

Perhaps all this time we have known that in Indonesia there are several products that have uniqueness and quality and this is at the same time a superior product. Some of these products such as Salak Pondoh Sleman, Kopi Kitamani Bali, Lada Putih Muntok, Tembakau Mole Sumedang and many others. These products are basically products that have the potential to be registered with their GI.

GI is a sign that is used for goods that have a certain geographical origin and also have the quality or reputation caused by the place of origin. In general, GI consists of the name of the place of origin of the goods. The purpose of GI registration is so that the product can be legally protected. Protection against GI is collective, which is protection given to a product produced by a product produced by a certain area (Sugiono Moeljopawiro and Surip Mawardi, 2010).

GI was appeared and born in several centuries ago at Europe. GI itself includes the name of the place of origin of the goods. GI is a sign used on goods that have a specific regional origin and have the quality and reputation caused by the place of origin (Dora de Teresa, 2003). In the world, there are many products with quality and reputation due to the demand for GI. It is like; champagne wine (France), Parmigiano cheese (Italy), brandy pisco (Peru)—these products have been registered as GI in Indonesia (Riyaldi, 2012).

In the manner of paying attention to the definition of GI, it is clear that GI is a sign used for products that have distinctive and quality, where the sign refers to the regional name of the product.

Implications of GI Certification on Product Competitiveness Improvement

GI was appeared in the World Trade Organization (WTO) as part of the Trade Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPs), particularly in Article 22 paragraph (1) of the TRIPs Agreement. GI is usually used to mark products that have specificity and quality caused by geographical factors, both natural and/or human factors. To obtain the GI it must be register.

GI registration itself is a legal mechanism that is carried out by means of labeling products to the Directorate General of Intellectual Property Rights of the Ministry of Law and Human Rights where to obtain the label there must be a product standard both in terms of institutional and governance as well as the quality and characteristics of the product as outlined in the GI registration. requirements book. The requirements book is a requirement for GI registration, which has a function if the GI label for a typical product is approved by the Director General of Intellectual Property Rights, then the typical product must be produced by the product community by referring to the requirements book.

In the manner of taking into the things above, GI basically can be equated with efforts to standardize the typical products of a region. This understanding can be known because to obtain the certificate of GI, a typical product community must first have product quality standards that can explain the uniqueness of the product.

Furthermore, by registering GI for distinctive and quality products, the following benefits will be obtained: First, on a macro basis it is hoped that it will improve the welfare of the community of distinctive and quality products and other communities around the community of typical and quality products; Second, legally the unique and quality products that exist in each region can be protected in legally; and Third, in terms of quality and grade, the competitiveness of distinctive and high-quality products in their respective regions will be able to be further improved.

Wallahu’ala’bis shawab


Prof. Dr. Budi Agus Riswandi, S.H., M.Hum.

                                                Director of Intellectual Property Rights Center

Faculty of Law UII Yogyakarta

and Chairman of the Association of Indonesian Intellectual Property Center (ASKII)



The news about the widespread practice of plagiarism of scientific work in universities with a quantity up to 100 lecturers with the purpose to carry out promotions from the lector, head lector to professor level is something that is both concerning and heart breaking in the context of the future of higher education in Indonesia. However a university which incidentally is an institution that prints the nation’s next generation and is expected to produce true intellectuals both in terms of knowledge and integrity that has been tainted by acts of plagiarism committed by lecturers as educators in universities.

Therefore, it is common when there is an act of plagiarism in such a way, it should begin to reflect on how this nation responds to the rampant acts of plagiarism.

Plagiarism and Dishonesty

Plagiarism is a term that is very well known among scientists and intellectuals. The term plagiarism actually refers to an act in the context of making scientific work that does not pay attention to the rules and ethics of writing scientific papers. For example, citing people’s opinions without mentioning the source. Meanwhile, people who commit acts of plagiarism are often called plagiarists.

There is a relationship between plagiarism and the morality of this nation. The practice of plagiarism among scientists and intellectuals is basically an act that is considered unethical/immoral. The concrete form of this immoral act is represented in terms of the dishonesty of scientists or intellectuals for the knowledge they develop.

If we pay attention to the form of dishonesty, it is a moral basis that is now very rare to find in Indonesia. It seems that in this country it is very difficult to find honest people than to find smart people. Therefore, it becomes a serious problem when this act of plagiarism continues to escalate in Indonesia. However, it becomes serious problem because it is believed that the widespread dishonesty of educators/lecturers in making scientific works will have a further impact on other dishonesty in the development of education in Indonesia. As a result, it is not surprising that the quality of the integrity of education is currently very low.

So, it is not surprising that in the practice of everyday life, almost most of the Indonesian people, along with the administration of the government, live their lives full of pretense if it is not said that they live with full of dishonesty. The closest example today, can be seen in the case of the arrest of the chairman of the Constitutional Court, where he was a doctor who was later caught red-handed by the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK). In fact, previously he seemed fierce with the symptoms of corruption in Indonesia. This is a fact that we cannot ignore.

Anti Plagiarism Social Movement

Seeing the implications of plagiarism for the future of this very dangerous nation, the government and other related institutions, such as educational institutions should seriously take strategic steps to eliminate the act of plagiarism itself. At least the act of plagiarism can be suppressed in such a way.

One thing that needs to be done in this context is to make the anti-plagiarism movement as social movement. The anti-plagiarism social movement is an extension of the legal movement and is the embodiment of strategic steps in suppressing plagiarism itself. The intended social movement is to invite all components of this nation to agree to say no to all forms of plagiarism.

It is expected that with this kind of social movement, social sanctions will be able to intensify legal sanctions. However, these two sanctions can be used as effective means going forward to preventing plagiarism which has become the source of this nation’s moral depravity. In addition, with the existence of these two kinds of sanctions, it is expected that Indonesia can truly realize the commitment of the founding fathers of this nation, specifically the intellectual life of the nation and the welfare of the Indonesian people.

Prof. Dr. Budi Agus Riswandi, S.H., M.Hum.

                                              Director of Intellectual Property Rights Center

Faculty of Law UII Yogyakarta


(Yogyakarta) Geographical Indications as one of the intellectual property rights regimes have the potential to advance the society economy in certain areas. Magelang Regency has produced one Geographical Indication product, namely Beras Mentik Wangi Susu Sawangan. This rice is produced in Sawangan, Magelang Regency, Central Java.

Geographical Indication Area of Beras Mentik Wangi Susu Sawangan

The application for registration of Geographical Indications was made by the Society for the Protection of Geographical Indications of Beras Mentik Wangi Susu Sawangan (MPIGBMWSS) and a management structure has been formed, which consists of members of the rice farmers of Mentik Wangi Sawangan. Application for registration of Geographical Indications which is currently in the certification process at the Directorate General of Intellectual Property of the Ministry of Law and Human Rights.

Geographical Indication Logo of Beras Mentik Wangi Susu Sawangan

The Geographical Indication Registration is accompanied directly by the Center for Intellectual Property Rights, Law, Technology and Business (PHKIHTB) Faculty of Law UII. Director of PHKIHTB Dr.Budi Agus Riswandi, SH., M.Hum as an IPR consultant directly oversees and assists the process of completing both substantive and administrative requirements. Starting from determining the name of the Geographical Indication used, Standard Operating Procedure (SOP), and all the completeness of the requirements book.

The use of the name Beras Mentik Wangi Susu Sawangan is actually the name of the national superior variety, namely Beras Mentik Wangi Susu. However, because there are indeed characteristics that come from natural also human factors and the rice is produced in Sawangan, then name that was taken and agreed upon was Beras Mentik Wangi Susu Sawangan. (Putri Yan Dwi Akasih)



Author: Ayunita Nur Rohanawati, S.H., M.H.
Lecture in Faculty of Law, Universitas Islam Indonesia, Departement of Public Administration Law

PANDEMI yang tak kunjung usai memberikan dampak luar biasa bagi pekerja di Indonesia. Berbagai permasalahan muncul di masing-masing perusahaan tempat pekerja bekerja. Seperti penjatuhan PHK saat pekerja menjadi penyintas Covid-19, tidak dibayarkan upah saat mengalami serangan Covid-19, pemaksaan melakukan pekerjaan saat terjangkit Covid-19 hingga menyebabkan besarnya penularan di lingkungan kerja.

Bahkan tak terpenuhinya hak jaminan sosial bagi pekerja serta hak memperoleh keselamatan dan kesehatan kerja yang layak menyesuaikan kondisi pandemi yang terjadi saat ini. Ketika pekerja menjadi penyintas Covid-19 adalah suatu hak bagi pekerja tersebut untuk beristirahat dan menjadi kewajiban untuk melakukan isolasi guna mencegah penularan virus ini. Perlu diingat bahwasanya yang sedang dihadapi dunia bukan sekadar penyakit biasa, melainkan wabah. Wabah yang mudah menular dari satu orang ke orang yang lain. Sehingga perlu penyikapan khusus terkait dengan kondisi yang saat ini terjadi.

Hukum Ketenagakerjaan Indonesia mengenal sebuah asas no work, no pay yang bermakna jika pekerja tidak bekerja, maka tidak akan mendapatkan upah. Hal ini juga sebagaimana yang termuat dalam Peraturan Pemerintah Nomor 36 Tahun 2021 tentang Pengupahan, pada Pasal 40 ayat (1). Pasal ini dimaksudkan untuk menumbuhkan rasa tanggung jawab pada pekerja atas amanah pekerjaan yang dimilikinya di tempat kerja.

Ketentuan tersebut harus dipahami lebih lanjut sebagaimana yang telah disebutkan dalam pasal-pasal lanjutan tentang adanya pengecualian kondisi terkait pemberlakuan no work, no pay ini. Pada Pasal 40 ayat (2) dan (3) PP No 36 Tahun 2021 disebutkan bahwasanya pengecualian atas no work, no pay tersebut salah satunya dalam kondisi pekerja berhalangan melaksanakan pekerjaan karena sakit sehingga menyebabkan pekerja tidak dapat melakukan pekerjaan. Pengecualian tersebut bermakna, pekerja tetap memperoleh haknya berupa upah walaupun tidak melaksanakan pekerjaan karena kondisi sakit. Sehingga tidak dibenarkan adanya pemberlakuan no work, no pay dalam suatu tempat kerja bagi para pekerja yang menjadi penyintas Covid-19.

Pada kasus-kasus yang terjadi di lapangan terkait kondisi pekerja yang dipaksa tetap bekerja walau sedang terpapar Covid-19 yang dianggap tidak bergejala berat tidak dapat dibenarkan. Karena hal ini sama dengan melenggangkan persebaran virus dan tentunya merugikan banyak pihak termasuk perusahaan itu sendiri.

Pemenuhan alat keselamatan dan kesehatan kerja yang sesuai dengan kondisi pandemi saat ini juga menjadi hal yang sangat penting. Keselamatan yang bermakna kondisi lingkungan kerja yang tidak membahayakan pekerja dalam masa pandemi Covid-19, misalnya dengan memastikan dan menjamin tempat kerja memiliki sirkulasi udara yang baik sehingga dapat meminimalisasi penyebaran virus. Kemudian kondisi keselamatan pekerja dalam melaksanakan pekerjaan di masa pandemi ini dengan menyediakan alatalat yang mencegah penularan virus. Seperti masker, disinfectan spray, handsanitizer, pemberian multivitamin, dan sebagainya.

Regulasi telah mengatur sedemikian rupa tentang pengecualian ketentuan no work, no pay. Hanya saja ketentuan ini belum menjadi sempurna karena tidak ada ancaman sanksi administratif maupun pidana manakala tidak dipatuhi. Hal ini bukan menjadi alasan untuk tidak menegakkan ketentuan. Karena pada UU Nomor 2 Tahun 2004 tentang Penyelesaian Perselisihan Hubungan Industrial mengatur mengenai upaya hukum yang dapat ditempuh, manakala terjadi sengketa hubungan industrial. Juga diatur mengenai mekanisme penyelesaian sengketa terkait dengan sengketa hubungan industrial yang terjadi di Indonesia. Termasuk sengketa hubungan industrial yang terjadi saat pandemi ini.

This article have been published in Analisis KR, 29 July 2021.

The International Program of Undergraduate Study Program in Law of the Faculty of Law of Universitas Islam Indonesia and the Juridical Council of International Program held a vaccination for International Program students who live in Yogyakarta and its surroundings, on Tuesday (22/06/2021).

The Secretary of International Program, Dodik Setiawan Nur Heriyanto, S.H., M.H., LL.M., Ph.D., stated that vaccination is one of the efforts to deal with the Covid-19 pandemic situation. The vaccination was held at the Hospital of Universitas Islam Indonesia for free, attended by 23 students of the International Program of the Faculty of Law, Universitas Islam Indonesia from batch 2015, 2018, 2019, until 2020. The participants are limited because of the stocks of the vaccine either. But that is not an excuse for do nothing. “We want to make herd immunity environment in our Faculty, as fast as we can. We really hope that this program will bring benefit for our students”, said Dodik Setiawan.

According to him, vaccination is fundamental as an effort to face the near-future Faculty’s programs, such as the trial of the hybrid lecture system. The hybrid lecture system is one of the first steps in implementing large-scale offline lectures in the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic situation. The faculty hopes that with vaccination, students can take offline lectures that will be conducted with specific health protocols. But for the offline lectures scenario seems that cannot be conducted in the near-future. The Faculty still implement the online system for this and next semester.

“We don’t know when this pandemic over, but we must do something for our children”, he said. Dodik Setiawan hopes that through this vaccination program, herd immunity can be achieved soon. “We will discuss with related authorities for the next vaccination program for our students as soon as the stocks is ready.”

On April 30, 2021 the Students Association of International Law (SAIL) Faculty of Law, Universitas Islam Indonesia (UII) and the Juridical Council of International Program (JCI) held a joint sharing event in a blessed month, the event was held at the Bina Siwi Orphanage located at Jl. Pajangan-Bantul Jetis, Sendongsari, Pajangan Bantul District. The event took place quickly and adhered to health protocols, all participants wore masks and kept their distance, attended by 14 student representatives.

From the opening of the fundraiser on April 25, 2021, to April 30, 2021, funds amounting to Rp. 4,767,000.00. This fund is a donation from lecturers, alumni, students, parents of students, and the general public. The funds are used to buy 52 boxes of rice for breaking the fast, light snacks, 150 masks, and cash assistance of Rp. 3,601,000.00 to the Bina Siwi Orphanage.

The event was opened with remarks from the management of the Bina Siwi orphanage. According to the manager, there are 38 children ranging in age from 10 to 35 years who live at the Bina Siwi Orphanage. “All the children here are children with special needs, even though they have special needs, but they have works and talents as evidenced by them presenting one piece of music,” said Nurlela, manager of the Bina Siwi Orphanage.

At the handover ceremony, the Secretary of the FH UII International Program, who was also the Supervisor of the SAIL UKM, Dodik Setiawan Nur Heriyanto, SH. MH. LL.M., Ph.D. asked by the board of the Bina Siwi Orphanage to give greetings and motivation to the foster children. In his speech, Dodik Setiawan said that since childhood he also had special needs, that his left ear could not hear. But with the motivation from teachers and his parents, he was able to achieve achievements in Europe by getting the summa cum laude predicate in the doctoral program from the University of Debrecen, Hungary. Based on his inspiring story, he advised the foster children and students to continue their enthusiasm for learning even in the midst of a pandemic time.

President of SAIL, Arief Hasanul Husnan Nasution said that the handover ceremony of the funding to the Bina Siwi Orphanage was a collaboration activity between SAIL, JCI, and the International Program Undergraduate Study Program in Law, Faculty of Law UII. “From the deliberations and consensus of our friends, both from us at SAIL and friends from JCI,” said Arief. The Bina Siwi Orphanage was chosen as the place to distribute the donations for no reason. The Bina Siwi Orphanage is a place to study and live for orphans with disabilities and special needs. The Bina Siwi Orphanage was founded in 1989 and currently accommodates 38 children with disabilities and special needs. “Apart from that, we assume that the orphanage is less affordable, so it is a little seldom touched by assistance, given the distance that is quite far from the city of Jogja”, added Arief.

General Chief of JCI, Akhiruddin Syahputra Lubis, said that events like this should be a routine agenda as much as possible. “It must be maintained and sustainable, not just this year because the event provides lessons and lessons to students that there are still many of our brothers who are less fortunate than us students who have more opportunities”. Lubis also said that this event was an event to “cultivate a caring spirit and student social sensitivity”. According to him, not all students have a spirit of caring and social sensitivity, therefore they must frequently be nurtured with events like this, especially since this is the month of Ramadan as much as possible, we must share.

JCI and SAIL are committed make activity that bring benefit to society. “We would like to thank all of the donors, hopefully the good deeds given will be rewarded by Allah SWT, Allahumma Aamiin,” said Arief.

Alhamdulilah. All praise to Allah SWT. Faculty of Law, Islamic University of Indonesia, in collaboration with the Faculty of Law of Youngsan University, South Korea have mutually agreed to implement a Double Degree Program that will be started in Even Semester Academic Year 2020-2021. The program is based on a 2+2 scheme study period. Successful participants of the program will hold dual degrees both Sarjana Hukum (SH) from UII and Bachelor of Law (LLB) from Youngsan University.

This program is only open to students of the International Program batch 2018. Interested students can register via this link:http://bit.ly/DD_IPFHUII (deadline: 7th of January 2021 at 13.00 Indonesian Western Time)

For detailed information and requirements, please kindly see here: http://bit.ly/FlyerDDUIIYSU2021 

To download some important files, please visit: http://bit.ly/DDUIIFiles

More information: +62 877 3939 8450 (office hours)


Come and Join COIL Project 2020,


Faculty of Law Universitas Islam Indonesia in collaboration with Coventry University present the Collaborative Online International Learning (COIL) Project 2020 that will be conducted on 16-22 December 2020. With the topic on Corporate Social Responsibilities (CSR). This program is the first on Indonesia and for each participant will get official certificate from Coventry University, UK. All the participants are equivalent to participating in academic activities at Coventry University. All the activities will be conducted online. The outcome from this program is a blog writing, with around 200-500 words from each participant, that will focusing on giving comments for ideas/review/analysis on blog (click here). For the best participant with published comment on the blog will get merchandise (certificate, voucher, and souvenir).


This program is opened for all students from Undergraduate Study Program (International Program and Regular Program), Master in Law Program, and Master in Public Notary Program of Universitas Islam Indonesia.


The registration has been closed


the Term of Reference can be downloaded here (click here).
for the Participant Rules can be downloaded here (click here).




Fakultas Hukum UII bekerjasama dengan Coventry University menyelenggarakan Collaborative Online International Learning Project 2020 yang akan diselenggarakan pada tanggal 16-22 Desember 2020. Tema umum yang diangkat adalah CSR (tanggungjawab sosial perusahaan). Program ini pertama kali diselenggarakan di Indonesia dan setiap peserta akan mendapatkan sertifikat resmi dan langsung dari Coventry University, Inggris. Sehingga peserta telah dianggap setara mengikuti kegiatan akademik di Coventry University. Seluruh kegiatan akan diselenggarakan secara daring (online). Luaran dari kegiatan ini adalah tulisan kurang lebih 200-500 kata (1 halaman) dari setiap peserta untuk membahas dan memberikan tanggapan terhadap gagasan/ulasan/analisis blog (klik disini). Bagi peserta yang terbaik dan peserta dengan komentar blog yang berhasil dipublikasikan maka akan mendapatkan hadiah yang menarik (sertifikat, voucher, dan souvenir).


Program ini dibuka untuk mahasiswa baik Program Studi Hukum (Program Internasional dan Reguler), Prodi Magister Hukum, dan Prodi Magister Kenotariatan di lingkungan UII.


Pendaftaran telah ditutup


TOR dapat diunduh di sini (klik disini).

Tata Tertib bagi Peserta dapat diunduh di sini (klik disini).

As the pandemic Covid-19 spread worldwide, it does not being an obstacle to hold academic learning and teaching. The Faculty of Law Universitas Islam Indonesia (UII) is still insist to hold academic learning and teaching. Thereby, the Faculty of Law UII held International Students Colloquium, an annual conference.

In this occasion, the Faculty of Law UII had on Saturday, November 28, 2020, 08.00-16.00 Indonesian Western Time (WIB). Interestingly, the conference was held either online and offline. For the offline session at Hotel Grand Ambarukmo, while the online session at Zoom Meeting. The Juridical Council of International Program (JCI UII) accompanies the Faculty of Law UII, an organizational student established and operated by International Program students.

This year’s conference was discussed the theme of “Law and Development in the Era of Pandemic”. The conference was attended 389 participants along with 13 presenters from Indonesian students and foreign students. The conference’s session was split into two sessions, the session for presentation student’s paper and the session for the guest speakers.

For the session for presentation, student’s paper was split into two focus group discussions. For the first group discussion was presented by 7 following David from Universitas Borobudur, Jeremy from Universitas Gadjah Mada, Nik Hajar from International Islamic University Malaysia, Kenza from UPN Veteran Jawa Timur, Imtiyaz Wizni, et.al from International Islamic Univeristy Malaysia (IIUM), Aam Slamet, et.al from SMART Institute and Tazkia Institute, and Syed Ahmed et.al from IIUM. For the second group discussion was presented by 6 following Safira Dewata Putri Alpatra from Universitas Pendidikan Nasional Bali, Rohima Putri Ridhani, Putri Ariqah, Yuwan Zaghlul Ismail, Affan Maulana dan Aryana Sekar Widyaningsih from UII. There was a nomination for three best presenter following Nik Hajar on first place, Safira Dewata Putri Alpatra on second place, and the last is Affan Maulana. In addition, there is a nomination for the best paper following Putri Ariqah on the first place, Imtiyaz Wizni Aufa on the second place, and the last is Yuwan Zaghlul Ismail.

For the main session was presented of from the first speaker Assoc. Prof. Sonny Zulhuda (International Islamic University Malaysia) with the topic of Cyber law and the Covid-19 Pandemic. In the next presentation was presented by Prof. Jihyun Park (Youngsan Universitiy) with the topic of Law and Development in The Era of Pandemic South Korea Perspective. The last presenter is Dr. Budi Agus Riswandi (UII) with the topic of Flexibility in Indonesian Patent System for the Use of the Covid-19 Vaccine: What is the Solution. The moderator in this session was guided by Dodik Setiawan Nur Heriyanto, S.H., M.H., LL.M., Ph.D.

The participants was enthusiast in this conference. This is why the committee giving the award to appreciate the presenters. The nomination award for the best participants are following the first place to Annisa Aulya Putri, the second to Frances Annemarie Duffy, the third to Muhammad Sulhan, and the last to Wildan Amrillah Amrani. This international conference had conducted in the last three years and expect in the next year would be better.

Author: Ayunita Nur Rohanawati, S.H., M.H.
Lecturer in Faculty of Law, Universitas Islam Indonesia, Departement of Public Administration Law

PEMBAHASAN omnibus law RUU Cipta Kerja kian mem anas di Indonesia. Bidang ketenagakerjaan yang menjadi salah satu pembahasan dalam RUU Cipta Kerja tentu tak lep as dari permasalahan. Pada klaster ketenagakerjaan terdapat degradasi nilai kesejahteraan bagi pekerja di Indonesia, mu atannya tidak lebih baik dari yang diatur dalam regulasi sebe lumnya yaitu Undang-Undang Nomor 13 Tahun 2003 tentang Ketenagakerjaan atau yang lebih dikenal dengan UUK. Problematika tersebut antara lain mengenai Tenaga Kerja Asing (TKA), Perjanjian Kerja Waktu Tertentu (PKWT), alih daya (outsourcing), upah, dan sebagainya.

Pemerintah berkeyakinan, pembentukan RUU Cipta Kerja dengan metode omnibus law ini mampu meningkatkan investasi di Indonesia yang bertujuan untuk meningkatkan perekonomian di Indonesia. Hanya, pemerintah tidak boleh melupakan bahwasanya regulasi di Indonesia disusun dengan mengimplementasikan nilai-nilai Pancasila didalamnya yang merupakan dasar falsafah negara (philosofische grondslag). Termasuk dalam bidang ketenagakerjaan Indonesia.

Hubungan Industrial Indonesia yang merupakan ruh ketenagakerjaan di Indonesia sejatinya berjalan berlandaskan Pancasila. Ada nilai-nilai Pancasila yang terkandung dan diimplementasikan dalam regulasi ketenagakerjaan Indonesia.

Sila pertama Pancasila diimplementasikan dalam UUK tentang larangan melakukan PHK ketika pekerja sedang melaksanakan kewajiban agama menurut agama dan keyakinan masing-masing. Sila kedua Pancasila, sebagaimana tergambar dalam UUK bahwasanya kedudukan pekerja laki-laki dan perempuan adalah sama. Tidak ada pembedaan hak bagi pekerja laki-laki dan perempuan. Sila ketiga Pancasila, Persatuan Indonesia diimplementasikan dalam UUK pada norma larangan PHK bagi pekerja yang memiliki perbedaan suku dengan pemberi kerja.

Selanjutnya, sila keempat Pancasila menggambarkan bahwasanya pembentukan UUK dilakukan lembaga legislatif sebagai wakil rakyat dan mengakomodasi kepentingan pihakpihak dalam hubungan industrial, yaitu pemerintah, pemberi kerja dan pekerja. Jaminan sosial sebagaimana yang diamanatkan oleh UUD 1945 merupakan perwujudan keadilan sosial bagi seluruh rakyat Indonesia. Badan Penyelenggara Jaminan Sosial di Indonesia lahir dengan latar belakang untuk mampu menyelenggarakan jaminan sosial bagi seluruh akyat Indonesia tanpa terkecuali, termasuk pekerja.

Founding fathers mencitakan Pancasila sebagai penawar atas segala permasalahan bangsa. Namun hal ini tidak diimplementasikan dengan baik dalam omnibus law RUU Cipta Kerja. Dalam bidang ketenagakerjaan terdapat penurunan nilai kesejahteraan bagi pekerja. Hak bekerja bagi warga negara sebagaimana tercantum dalam Pasal 27 ayat (2) UUD 1945 mengalami penurunan dalam hal penghapusan jenis pekerja tetap menjadi pekerja kontrak untuk keseluruhan. Selain itu, alih daya bukan lagi untuk jenis pekerjaan noncore melainkan diperbolehkan untuk segala jenis pekerjaan.

Ketidakadilan akan terjadi manakala RUU Cipta Kerja disahkan yang memuat penghapusan Upah Minimum Kabupaten/Kota (UMK) menjadi Upah Minimum Provinsi (UMP) yang notabene besaran UMP lebih kecil dari UMK. Saat ini diberlakukannya UMK tidak menjamin pemberi kerja taat untuk melaksanakannya, lalu bagaimana jika ada penghapusan? Bagaimana bentuk keadilan bagi pekerja yang telah melaksanakan kewajibannya?

Degradasi nilai kesejahteraan bagi pekerja di Indonesia yang sangat terlihat jelas dalam RUU Cipta Kerja menggambarkan adanya pengesampingan nilai-nilai Pancasila sebagaimana yang dicitakan founding fathers. Hubungan Industrial yang terjalin antara pemerintah, pemberi kerja dan pekerja sejatinya harus berjalan secara harmonis. Pemberi kerja dan pekerja dapat mengimpelmentasikannya dengan melaksanakan hak dan kewajiban masing-masing dengan fair dan baik. Pemerintah dapat mewujudkannya dengan membuat kebijakan yang tidak berat sebelah. Menjadikan Pancasila sebagai pakem utama tanpa meninggalkan satu nilai apapun dari Pancasila. Menjaga bersama Pancasila, demi keutuhan bangsa.

This article have been published in Analisis KR, 3 October 2020.