Determination of suspects has an important role in the scope of criminal law in Indonesia because this stage aims to find material truth.
The rights of suspects are fundamental rights because they relate to deprivation of a person’s independence, so that the state is obliged to
protect these rights from potential abuse of power by law enforcement officials during the legal process. This study aims to examine the urgency
of expanding the authority of pretrial judges in ordering the determination of suspects by law enforcement officials based on legal
considerations by judges in pretrial decisions number 24/Pid.Pra/2018/PN.Jkt.Sel and the Indonesian criminal justice system.
Research is reviewed using normative methods which are analyzed through statutory and conceptual approaches. The results of the research
show that first, in his consideration the judge has exceeded his authority because the decision has entered the subject matter. Second, based
on philosophical, sociological and juridical foundations, there is no urgency to expand the authority of pretrial judges. Philosophically,
pretrial is limited to examining formal law. Sociologically, the expansion of authority has the potential to lead to the arbitrariness of judges
in determining a person’s legal status. Juridically, the order to determine the suspect has exceeded the authority of the pretrial judge.
Key Words: Urgency; expanding authority; pretrial.
Penetapan tersangka memiliki peran penting pada lingkup hukum pidana di Indonesia sebab tahap tersebut bertujuan untuk menemukan kebenaran materiil. Hak-hak tersangka merupakan hak fundamental karena berkaitan dengan perampasan kemerdekaan seseorang, sehingga negara wajib melindungi hak tersebut dari potensi kesewenangan kekuasaan oleh aparat penegak hukum selama proses hukum berlangsung. Studi ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji urgensi perluasan kewenangan hakim praperadilan dalam memerintahkan penetapan tersangka kepada aparat penegak hukum berdasarkan pertimbangan hukum oleh hakim pada putusan praperadilan nomor 24/Pid.Pra/2018/PN.Jkt.Sel dan sistem peradilan pidana Indonesia. Penelitian dikaji menggunakan metode normatif yang dianalisis melalui pendekatan perundang-undangan dan konseptual. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan pertama, pada pertimbangannya hakim telah melampaui kewenangannya karena putusan tersebut telah memasuki pokok perkara. Kedua, berdasarkan landasan filosofis, sosiologis dan yuridis belum ditemukan urgensi memperluas kewenangan hakim praperadilan. Secara filosofis praperadilan sebatas memeriksa hukum formil saja. Secara sosiologis perluasaan kewenangan berpotensi menimbulkan kesewenang-wenangan hakim dalam menetapkan status hukum seseorang. Secara yuridis perintah penetapan tersangka telah melampaui kewenangan hakim praperadilan.
Kata Kunci: Urgensi; kewenangan hakim; praperadilan