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Strengthening Election Organizing Institutions, FH UII Students Undertake Internship at DIY KPU

The Undergraduate Study Program in Law (PSHPS), Faculty of Law, Universitas Islam Indonesia (FH UII) again sent its students to contribute to Internship activities, Monday (27/5/2024) in the Audio Visual and Discussion Room of the General Election Commission (KPU) Yogyakarta Special Region (DIY).

This activity was attended by International Program in Law students, Risang Mahesa Wrinsah as the intern, Dodik Setiawan Nur Heriyanto, S.H., M.H., LL.M., Ph.D. as the Head of Undergraduate Program in Law as well as Apprenticeship Supervising Lecturer, and Sri Surani from KPU Yogyakarta Special Region members and other KPU members.

“We are very grateful for the welcome from the KPU who are willing to accept our students to undertake apprenticeships, we hope that you can participate optimally. Please provide guidance and supervision to our students during the apprenticeship process. Our campus, especially the Undergraduate Study Program in Law, is open to collaborating with the KPU in organizing activities such as Seminars, Public Lectures, Practitioner Lectures in the future. We really hope to be able to establish good cooperation in the academic field with KPU DIY.” explained the Head of Study Program in Law, Faculty of Law, UII.

In response to the word answer, Sri assessed that the DIY KPU was the right place for student interns to jump in and study directly the election socialization messages and political practices that are taking place in Indonesia. “We certainly welcome the cooperation plan offered by FH UII, some time ago we also held outreach on other campuses such as UKDW and UAD,” he concluded.