
Guest Lecture Dr. Mohd. Iqbal Bin Abdul Wahab “Latest Development of Islamic Law & Civil Law in Malaysia”

On Friday and Saturday, to coincide with 07 and 08 June 2024, the Guest Lecture activity by Dr. Mohd. Iqbal bin Abdul Wahab from IIUM Malaysia again held at the UII Faculty of Law. The Guest Lecture which was held for 2 days was held at different times and with 2 different topics, but both were held in a hybrid manner. On the first day the Guest Lecture took place at the Mini Auditorium lt. 4 UII Faculty of Law Building with the discussion topic “Islamic Criminal Law: The Enforcement in Malaysia”. Meanwhile, for the second day, the Guest Lecture took place in the West Stage Room, lt. 3 UII Faculty of Law Building with the topic “Criminal Law in Malaysia”. 

“The Federal Constitution is the highest legal document in the federation. The Constitution defines the structure and authority of the federal government, as well as the rights and obligations of citizens. The federal constitution also implements the basic principles governing the country, such as the supremacy of law, separation of powers, and federalism. The Federal Constitution of Malaysia is an important document that plays a fundamental role in the governance of the country. This constitution protects the rights of citizens, ensures the supremacy of law, and defines the structure of government. The Constitution is also a source of inspiration for other laws and regulations in Malaysia. In Malaysia, the Federal Constitution is known as the Malaysian Royal Federation Institution. This constitution was promulgated in 1957 and has been amended several times since then. The Federal Constitution of Malaysia is a comprehensive document covering a wide range of topics, including Religion,” explained Dr. Iqbal.

Dr. Iqbal in his explanation stated that “in the Federal Constitution, specifically in the Religion of the Federation section 3. (1) Islam is the religion of the Federation, but other religions can be adhered to in peace and harmony in any region of the Federation. (2) In every State other than a State which does not have a Ruler, the position of the Ruler as Leader of the Islamic religion in his State in the manner and to the extent recognized and declared by the Constitution of that State, and, in accordance with that Constitution, all rights, privileges, prerogatives and powers which he enjoyed as Head of that religion, unaffected and undisturbed; but in any act, the performance of ceremonies relating to the Conference of Rulers it was agreed that such matters should extend to the Federation as a whole, each other Ruler, in his capacity as Head of the Islamic religion, authorizing the Yang di-Pertuan Agong to represent him, etc.” 

The Guest Lecture which was held for 2 days was moderated by a lecturer at the UII Faculty of Law, namely Mrs. Ayu Izza Elvany, S.H., M.H., and attended by the students from Undergraduate Study Program both who joined via Zoom meeting and students who came directly to the Guest Lecture room. Apart the students from the Undergraduate Study Program, there were several FH UII lecturers who participated in this Guest Lecture, including Prof. Dra. Sri Wartini, S.H., M.H., Ph.D., Frances Duffy, LL.M., Grad Dip Ed, BA., CEL., and Ahmad Saad Ahmad Al Dafrawi, Ph.D., MD., B.Sc. Then the Guest Lecture event continued with a question and answer session and giving souvenirs and souvenirs from the UII Faculty of Law to Dr. Iqbal.