Alumni Profile

Alumni Profile of the Undergraduate Study of the Faculty of Law UII

Expected  Learning Outcome

The expected learning outcome of the Study Programme are based on Attitude, Knowledge, Special Proficiency and General Skill.

Key-in RAS

Key-In RAS is inputting study plan or Academic Semester Plan (RAS) directly from Unysis website ( Students are obliged to do Key-In RAS based on the academic schedule before the semester starts.

Examination and Final Score

The examination is a scheduled academic activity which is carried out to measure the success of teaching and learning process, whether or not students have understood.


A thesis is a final paper that should be written by students as the requirement to complete the study program and to get the title of Bachelor of Law (Sarjana Hukum/S.H).

Student Consultation

In our school, students who got any academic problems can consult with their supervisor any time based on the guideplane.

Study Evaluation

The study program evaluate the students regularly. There are five (5) types of study evaluation. Click here for more info.

Student Status

Students get active status when they did “key-in” online via Unisys based on the designated schedule and paid the school fees.

Academic Sanction

Students who commit disciplinary violations are subjected to sanctions in accordance with applicable regulations.

Academic Leave

Students who are on academic leave status are students who are not registered on a particular semester with the permission of the Rector in the form of an academic leave permit.


Students have passed the undergraduate program if they meet the following graduation requirements.

Academic Guidebook

Academic information for Undergraduate Study Program in Law

Writing Manual

To provide a more complete understanding for students in writing Final Assessment