Faculty of Law Universitas Islam Indonesia (UII) held an International Seminar entitled International Investment Law and Transfer of Technology, on Thursday (5/9/2019). The event was organized by Faculty of Law UII in collaboration with Swisscontact, the Indonesian Intellectual Property Center Association (ASKII), and Telkom University (UT).

The seminar was divided into two sessions that presented six legal experts from various perspectives to study the phenomenon of technology transfer and intellectual property. In the first session presenting Dr. Kamran Housang Pour, Nandang Sutrisno, SH, MH, LLM, PhD, Dr. Siti Anisah, S.H., M.Hum., and Professor Dr. Sefriani, S.H., M.Hum., As the speakers. While the second session was filled by Professor Fèzer Tamás, Professor Dr. Ni’matul Huda, S.H., M.Hum., Dr. Budi Agus Riswandi, S.H., M.H., and Christoper Cason, JD. The entire material is delivered in English.

During the first session, Dr. Kamran Housang Pour from the Swiss Federal Institute of Intellectual Property, delivered his expertise on the International Patent Protection System and Transfer of Technology in Foreign Direct Investment. According to him, in this current era, full attention is needed from all aspects of law, on not only technological developments, but also the ‘ideas’ of technologies. According to him, humans have a tendency to ‘share ideas’ in developing technology. These events led to Technology Transfer. According to Kamran, the government has an obligation to protect the Technology Transfer process through policies and laws. “The government should have protection for Technology Transfer”, he stressed in the forum.

Nandang Sutrisno SH, MH, LLM, PhD, delivered material related to Foreign Investment during the Second Term of Joko Widodo. According to Nandang, there have been a lot of policy changes from the first half to the two governments of President Joko Widodo. Nandang said, the investment index during the administration of President Joko Widodo increased in the midterm 2015-2019. The index increased through digital economic growth in Indonesia. According to Nandang, Indonesia has become one of the biggest houses for Unicorns. In fact, the value of Unicorn’s investment in Indonesia has even been able to beat the government’s investment. “GoJek is bigger than Garuda … “added Nandang while giving examples of data.

Unlike Nandang, Dr. Siti Anisah, S.H., M.Hum., showed the horrors of the challenges for investment in Indonesia. According to Siti Anisah, actually Indonesia is a ‘paradise’ for foreign investment. Government policies have made it easy and friendly to foreign investment. However, obstacles actually arise from irresponsible actors. “I think the Indonesian is a heaven for investment, the regulation itself is friendly with investment, but the actor doesn’t,” she said. According to Siti Anisah, Indonesia must immediately improve the law structure and law enforcement of foreign investment policies. She said, the fact is there are many obstacles occurring to foreign investors in Indonesia. “One of them is the price of advocates for foreign investors is more expensive,” she added.

Professor Dr. Sefriani, S.H., M.Hum., expressed her views on the Bilateral Investment Treaty (BIT) from Indonesian perspective. According to Sefriani, the existence would have the potential to harm Indonesia if not seriously discussed by the government. Although used widely by many countries, BIT can be detrimental to Indonesia as it does not specify a clear parameter for its termination. “Many BITs contain unclear parameters for such terms as fair and equal treatment, there is no definition for ‘fair and equal treatment'”, notes Sefriani.

Faculty of Law, Universitas Islam Indonesia in cooperation with Telkom University (TU), the Indonesian Intellectual Property Center Association (ASKII), Swiss Secretariat for Economic Affairs (SECO), Swiss Federal Institute of Intellectual Property (IPI), successfully held Workshop Training on International Patent Filling on Thursday to Friday, 5th to 6th September 2019. The training was followed by 33 participants from range different institutions. The major participants were practitioner on patent filling at local and national level organization.

The trainer was Dr. Kamran Housang Pour from from the Swiss Federal Institute of Intellectual Property. With his expertise, he explained important practical knowledge on intellectual patent filling. The material presented by Dr. Kamran was about Declarations under Rule 4.1, Representation of PCT Applicants, Priority Claims and Priority Documents, Correction/Addition of Priority Claims, Correction of Defects in an International Application, Incorporation by Reference, Rectification of Obvious Mistakes, Recording of Changes to Bibliographic Data under PCT Rule 92bis, Functions of the Receiving Office and the International Bureau, International Search and Supplementary International Search, Whether to File a Demand International Preliminary Examination – Procedures and purpose Unity of Invention, International Publication, Access to the File, PCT Fees, Amendments, Entry into the National Phase, Restoration of the Right of Priority, Withdrawal, Simulation And Practices.

At the end of the training, the head of the committee mentioned that “the workshop training is aimed to strengthen the practical experience and knowledge of the participants. Understanding the international patent filling would create strong confident to boost and encourage international patent application especially from Indonesia. Thus, we do hope that Indonesian patent recognised increasingly at international level” said Dodik Setiawan Nur Heriyanto, SH, MH, LLM, PhD.

The training was held around 2 days and at the end the ceremony, the participants received certificate and all the materials of the training.

Youngsan University held a graduation ceremony for the Undergraduate and Postgraduate Program even semester of the 2018/2019 academic year last Friday (8/23/2019) at the main Auditorium of the M Building South Korea’s Busan Heundae Campus.
This event is a graduation ceremony with a total of 230 graduates from various study programs both from undergraduate to doctoral programs, namely 9 doctoral program graduates, 20 master program graduates and 201 graduates for undergraduate programs.
Among the graduates were foreign students from outside South Korea such as Indonesia, Vietnam, Cambodia, China and several other countries. Among the graduates from Indonesia, there were 3 double degree students in the jurisprudence of the Islamic University of Indonesia batch 3. The three UII students were Dhita Rahma Yanuari (Student Number: 17912009), Rahayu Saraswati Herlambang (Student Number: 17912024), and Intan Griya Purnamasari (Student Number: 17912009), successfully completed his studies at Youngsan University and earned an LLM degree with cum laude with a perfect GPA of 4.50.
The double degree program held by the Postgraduate Law Study Program at UII and Youngsan University which has been running for 3 years is expected to continue, this is because in a short time the students achieve two legal degrees at once, so that they are expected to be able to produce qualified and skilled graduates. global.

Author: Dr. Idul Rishan, S.H., LL.M

Lecturer in Faculty of Law, Universitas Islam Indonesia, Departement of Constitutional Law


Apakah sudah diperhitungkan rencana amandemen terbatas UUD yang sudah semakin mengkristal pada romantisme GBHN? Adakah studi kelayakan yang telah memberikan preposisi bahwa Sistem Perencanaan Pembangunan Nasional kita bermasalah sehingga tidak relevan lagi untuk digunakan? Seberapa dalam cetak biru yang telah disusun MPR, metode risetnya apa, sehingga GBHN menjadi laik diterapkan kembali sebagai kerangka dasar pembangunan nasional. Sungguhpun sudah dipikirkan secara matang, bagaimana dengan proses dan mekanisme perubahannya?

Sejumlah pertanyaan di atas, mengirimkan pesan bahwan wacana amademen terbatas perlu dikonstruksikan secara komprehensif. Dibangun melalui konsep yang kuat, serta memperhatikan sejumlah ekses yang kemungkinan dapat ditimbulkan. Jika tidak, proyek besar ini bisa kebablasan dan justru menambah sengkarut problem ketatanegaraan.

Dalam ketentuan hukum positif saat ini, beberapa perangkat regulasi pada dasarnya telah mengakomodir arah pembangunan dan haluan bernegara. Misalnya Sistem Perencanaan Pembangunan Nasional (SPPN, UU No 25 Tahun 2004) dan Rancana Pembangunan Jangka Panjang (RPJP UU No 17 Tahun 2007). Bahkan secara lebih detail, arah pembangunan juga diderivasikan lagi melalui Rencana Pembangunan Jangka Menengah Nasional (RPJMN) yang meliputi pembangunan nasional, bidang, dan wilayah.

Jika hendak memahami arah politik hukum pembangunan nasional pascatransisi politik, sebenarnya tidak terlihat garis demarkasi yang tajam antara politik pembangunan era orde baru dengan politik pembangunan saat ini. Melalui perangkat SPPN, RPJPN, dan RPJMN, pembangunan nasional juga dapat dialkukan secara terukur dan sistematis. Artinya, secara materiil hampir tidak ada pembedaan cara kerja pada model pembangunan bergaya GBHN dengan model SPPN dan RPJP. Setidaknya, titik pembedaan itu hanya pada aspek formalnya saja.

Jika arag pembangunan nasional di era orde baru diterapkan MPR, maka arah pembagunan nasional saat ini ditetapkan Presiden dan DPR melalui kerangka legislasi nasional. Pilihan politik hukum demikian tidak lahir tanpa basis rasionalitas politik yang kuat. Laiknya sebuah silogisme hukum, ada beberapa alasan mengapa GBHN tidak lagi relevan diterapkan pascatransisi politik.

Pertama, soal kesepakatan dasar perubahan UUD di era transisi. Saat itu, semua partai politik sepakat bahwa agenda perubahan UUD dilandaskan pada semangat memperkuat sistem presidensiil (Valina Singka:2008). Dengan mempertahankan model pembangunan melalui GBHN, sistem pemerintahan akan jauh berayun pada gaya parlementer. Seluruh pertanggungjawaban politik akan diserakan ke MPR. Tidak menutup kemungkinan MPR akan kembali menjadi pemegang kendali atas kuasa rakyat.

Kedua, masa jabatan presiden yang limitatif tidak akan kompatibel dengan model pembagunan GBHN. Sebagai sebuah produk politik, upaya perubahan terhadap materi muatan GBHN menjadi sangat mungkin terjadi. Perkembangan koalisi kepartaian sangat dinamis, menyebabkan GBHN menjadi sangat sulit diterima dan diterapkan pada pemerintahan berikutnya.

Ketiga, dengan menerapkan model pembangunan berbasis GBHN, ada berbagai macam implikasi yang ditimbulkan terhadap sistem hukum nasional. Mulai dari posisi tawar GBHN terhadap hierarki perundang-undnagan sampai dengan model pengujian norma hukum yang bisa saja bertentangan dengan GBHN. Membaca sejumlah tantangan di atas, maka keinginan melakukan amandemen terbatas bisa saja melebar menjadi isu yang tak terbatas.

Terlepas dari rentetan panjang yang mungkin biosa ditimbulkan, tidak kalah penting ialah mengawal bagaimana proses pembuatan itu akan dilakukan. Sebuah konstitusi yang demokratis tidak akan mungkin dihasilkan melalui proses politik yang kolutif. Seperti disematkan Bianc, bahwa proses itu akan menentukan hasil perubahan konstitusi. (Bonime Blanc: 1987). Perlu diingat setelah perubahan UUD, MPR merupakan lembaga yang berwenang mengubah dan menetapkan UUD. Ia tak lagi sebatas lembaga yang menetapkan, tetapi juga menjadi bagian dalam proses perubahan UUD. Imbasnya peranan partai politik menjadi sangat dominan.

Dengan peta politik demikian, MPR bisa saja terdistorso dengan konflik kepentingan. Sebab, materi muatan amandemen justru menyangkut kepentingan kelembagaannya sendiri. Ada baiknya proyek besar untuk MPR itu perlu dipertimbangkan kembali. Biar bagaimanapun, konstitusi merupakan norma fundamental. Ia hidup dan berkembang dalam praktik berbangsa dan bernegara. Bukan komoditas kepentingan golongan yang bersifat sektoral.

Faculty of Law Universitas Islam Indonesia (UII) held an orientation and release of students to be dispatched to Malaysia and South Korea, on Tuesday (27/08). A total of 10 students will join the Credit Transfer program to Ahmad Ibrahim Kulliyyah of Law International Islamic University Malaysia (AIKOL IIUM) dan Youngsan University. They will conduct lectures for one semester, with five students will be dispatched to IIUM and the others five to Youngsan University, Bussan, South Korea.

The event was held in five sessions, starting at 09:00 until 15:00 WIB. The event was facilitated by Dodik Setiawan Nur Heriyanto, S.H., M.H., LL.M., Ph.D., as the Secretary of International Program Study Faculty of Law UII. Nevertheless, students who will depart are not only from international programs. There were consisted of six international program students and six regular students of Faculty of Law.
At the event, the Vice Dean of Student Affairs, Dr., Drs. Muntoha SH., M.Ag., gave an advise as well as dispatched the students. Muntoha advised the students to keep the good name of the UII almamater. “Protect the good name of our alma mater”, he said. According to Muntoha, in addition to studying, students also have the duty to maintain good cooperation that has been established between UII with IIUM and Youngsan University. “In order for the continuation of cooperation between UII and Youngsan University (and IIUM) to be maintained”.

The first session was filled by Dr. Budi Agus Riswandi SH., M.Hum., who filled the General Orientation material. During the session Budi Agus, who was also the Head of Undergraduate Study Program of Faculty of Law UII, gave an introduction to overseas experience and environment. According to him, students must optimize their goals in joining this program, which is to study. However, he also stressed that students are free to hang out and play, as long as considered the values ​​taught at UII. “The important thing is to be happy, not to be carried hard,” he said. According to him, studying abroad is not only a different location, but the most important thing is that the culture and rules are also different. So, he advised that students be very good at adjusting.

The fifth session was quite interesting, when Dodik Setiawan facilitated the students to have a talk with Prof. Jihyun Park from Youngsan University. The teleconference was carried out through Skype social media. Prof. Jihyun Park welcomed and greeted the students who were going to study at Youngsan University and IIUM.

The students are planned to depart on Thursday, (29/08), from Soekarno-Hatta International Airport, Cengkareng. Faculty leaders will take the students directly to Jakarta”, said Dodik Setiawan. After that, students who go to IIUM will be delivered to Malaysia, while students who go to Youngsan University will be picked up by Youngsan when they arrive in South Korea.

UEL Summer School is one of the annual activities of the American Law Center – a research institute established by the University of Economics and Law, Vietnam National University in Ho Chi Minh city (UEL). This year, the UEL Summer School 2019 focuses on Contract Law and Dispute Resolution & Negotiations of the United States. The two courses shall be lectured by Justice Steven H. David and Professor Cynthia M. Adams — revered professors from Indiana University Robert H. McKinney School of Law. The UEL Summer School 2019 will be an outstanding academic event for both lecturers, researchers, students from Viet Nam and overseas. In joining the UEL Summer School program, Pradana received a full scholarship while participating in the activity. In getting this scholarship, Pradana has passed several tests given by the University of Economics and Law, National University of Vietnam.

In this Summer School program, Pradana Satya attended lectures for 2 weeks, in which there were 2 material distributions namely in the first week learning about Alternative Dispute Resolution in which there was learning about Negotiation, Mediation, Litigation and Arbitration. In this first week’s lecture, the lecturer was Professor Cynthia M. Adams. Professor Cynthia M. Adams is a lecturer at Indiana University’s Robert H. McKinney School of Law and also a practitioner in her field. Then, in the second week’s lecture material delivered by a Chief Justice at the Indiana Supreme Court at the United State of America namely Justice Steven H. David. In the second week, the material presented was regarding Contract Law in the American Law system and also the application of contracts in international business law. Every weekend, a final test will be held to test the ability of students and also one of the requirements to get a certificate of graduation from the Summer School so that every student must be able to pass the final test.

In this UEL Summer School activity, Pradana gained a lot of new knowledge that was not obtained during lectures in class, Pradana gained a lot of new experiences of the course and could also share knowledge with fellow students from all Asian countries. It is very important to be able to join the Summer School program like this. This is due to sharpen mentally and also to increase knowledge and enthusiasm for learning from students in order to gain useful experience and knowledge outside the classroom within the University.

Author: Dr. Idul Rishan, S.H., LL.M

Lecturer in Faculty of Law, Universitas Islam Indonesia, Departement of Constitutional Law

Hampir dipastikan, periode kedua pemerintahan Joko Widodo akan ditopang dengan koalisi “gemuk” di parlemen. Mayoritas partai politik di DPR, akan bahu membahu mensukseskan beberapa program kebijakan yang sudah dicanangkan pada pemerintahan 2019-2024. Dengan koalisi mayoritas, relasi eksekutif dan legislatif diperkirakan akan jauh lebih stabil. Meskipun harus di akui, dukungan mayoritas partai di DPR sebenarnya juga dapat melahirkan ancaman. Bisa di bayangkan, jika mayoritas partai politik di DPR bersekutu dengan pemerintah, maka Presiden tidak hanya menjadi episentrum kekuasaan eksekutif, tetapi juga menjelma sebagai pengendali kekuatan partai-partai politik yang ada di parlemen. Aroma bagi-bagi kekuasaan sudah mulai tercium. Selain soal jatah kabinet, perebutan kursi pimpinan MPR juga menjadi bagian yang tak terpisahkan. Dengan koalisi mayoritas, MPR akan menjadi lembaga strategis dalam masa pemerintahan lima tahun ke depan. Jika koalisi pemerintah benar-benar solid, MPR bisa saja bereksperimen dengan kewenangannya mengubah dan menetapkan UUD.

Minoritas- Mayoritas

Jika hendak menarik isu perdebatan ini dalam ranah konseptual, relasi eksekutif -legislatif menjadi wilayah yang cukup menarik dalam sistem presidensil. Kenyataannya, sistem pemerintahan kita pasca transisi politik, cenderung bergerak secara dinamis. Setidaknya ada dua pola relasi eksekutif-legislatif yang selama ini menjadi basis konvensi kenegaraan dalam sistem multi partai.  Pola pertama, bangunan koalisi dengan corak minoritas. Dalam langgam ini, Presiden tidak mendapatkan dukungan dari sebagian besar partai politik yang ada di parlemen. Pembelahan pemerintahan (divided government) sangat dimungkinkan terjadi karena relasi eksekutif dan legislatif cenderung bersifat konfrontatif. Kondisi ini pernah dialami sendiri oleh Presiden Jokowi-JK di awal-awal masa pemerintahan 2014-2019. Dengan dukungan minoritas, Presiden kesulitan membangun program-program pemerintahan. Kondisi ini semakin diperparah dengan desain UUD pasca amandemen yang memberikan begitu banyak delegasi kewenagan kepada DPR berupa pertimbangan dan persetujuan. Pola kedua, bangunan koalisi dengan corak mayoritas. Pada langgam ini, mau tidak mau, Presiden merangkul mayoritas partai politik untuk bergabung pada koalisi pemerintahan. Sedikit beraroma parlementer, karena relasi eksekutif-legislatif melebur jadi satu. (Alferd Stephen & Cindy Skach:1993). Cara ini dipercaya sebagai alternatif membangun stabilitas pemerintahan. Dengan dukungan mayoritas partai politik, kebijakan-kebijakan pemerintah relatif bisa berjalan mulus di parlemen. Termasuk di dalamnya soal keinginan untuk melakukan amandemen kelima UUD.

Tanpa Kontrol

Dengan bangunan koalisi mayoritas, pintu amandemen konstitusi menjadi sangat terbuka lebar. Siasat amandemen ini bisa dianalogikan seperti lempengan uang koin. Di satu sisi bisa memperkuat percepatan kebutuhan demokrasi, namun disisi lain, bisa menjadi jebakan otoritarianisme. Perlu diingat bahwa  proses perubahan UUD bisa berjalan tanpa kontrol. Jika melihat prosedur dan beberapa syarat formil perubahan UUD, kelembagaan MPR merupakan forum joint session anggota DPR dan anggota DPD. Secara kuorum DPD bisa saja tidak dapat menjadi penyeimbang kekuatan mayoritas partai politik yang ada di DPR. Mengingat berdasarkan jumlah, anggota DPR terdiri dari 575 orang dan anggota DPD hanya sejumlah 136 orang. Sementara Pasal 37 UUD mensyaratkan 1/3 jumlah anggota untuk usul perubahan, dihadiri sekurang-kurangnya 2/3 dan 50% plus satu untuk persetujuan perubahan. Dalam peta politik demikian, perubahan UUD sangat ditentukan pada kekuatan mayoritas partai politik pendukung pemrintah di DPR. Agenda amandemen ini tentu bisa menjadi bola liar, sebab materi perubahan  UUD cenderung bersifat sangat kompromistis. Sebut saja soal gagasan perubahan yang sudah semakin mengkristal pada penguatan kelembagaan MPR dalam menetapkan Garis-Garis Besar Haluan Negara (GBHN).

Komisi Konstitusi

Dengan menyerahkan semata-mata pada kekuatan politik mayoritas, tentu akan menghasilkan kompromi politik yang sangat sektoral. MPR sebagai lembaga yang berwenang mengubah dan menetapkan UUD, sarat terjebak dengan konflik kepentingan. Apalagi jika materi perubahannya menyangkut soal penguatan kelembagaannya sendiri. Jika benar amandemen UUD akan digulirkan pada periode kedua pemerintahan Joko Widodo, ada baiknya memperhitungkan pembentukan Komisi Konstitusi. Badan khusus yang dibentuk secara independen dan bersifat non partisan untuk mengkaji materi perubahan UUD. Belajar dari Spanyol, Filipina dan Thailand, perubahan konstitusinya dilakukan melalui spesial konvensi dengan pembentukan komisi khusus. Langkah ini dibangun agar usulan dan hasil perubahan konstitusi tidak bias dari kekuatan politik pemerintah a quo. (David G. Timbermand,ISEAS:1999). Pentingnya membentuk komisi konstitusi dalam perubahan UUD, pada dasaranya dipengaruhi oleh alasan paradigmatik.  Partai politik berdiri pada basis untuk merebut dan mempertahankan kekuasaaan, sementara konstitusi berpijak pada basis pembatasan kekuasaan. Memberikan peran mayoritas kepada partai politik terhadap perubahan UUD, sama artinya memberikan kesempatan partai politik untuk merebut atau mempertahankan kekuasaannya.  Itu sebabnya agenda perubahan UUD perlu dikaji dengan basis rasionalitas yuridis, sosiologis dan filosofis. Bahwa perubahan itu memang benar-benar dibutuhkan guna membangun percepatan demokratisasi. Jika tidak, gagasan amandemen ini bisa membawa pemerintahan Jokowi-Ma’ruf pada jebakan otoritarianisme.

This article have been pubslished in rubric Pendapat of KORAN TEMPO, 13 August 2019.

Assalamualaikum Warahmatullah Wabarakatuh.

We are pleased to announce that the Faculty of Law of Universitas Islam Indonesia in collaboration with ASKII, Swiss State Secretariat for Economic Affairs (SECO), Swiss Federal Institute of Intellectual property (IPI) and Indonesian-Swiss Intellectual Property Project (ISIP) will hold an International Seminar with theme “International Investment Law and Transfer of Technology”. Therefore, we also kindly invite you to take part in the International Seminar event which will be held on:

Date: Thursday, 5th of September 2019
Time: 08:00 – 15:30 WIB
Venue: Ruang Sidang Utama 3rd Floor Moh.Yamin Building Faculty of Law, Universitas Islam Indonesia, Yogyakarta

Facilities: Certificate, Material, and Lunch

The event is Free of Charge

Register immediately through the following registration link: http://bit.ly/InterSeminar

Contact Person: Marwah (+6285878768483)

Wassalamualaikum Warahmatullah Wabarakatuh.

Faculty of Law, Universitas Islam Indonesia received study visit from the leadership of Faculty of Law, Universitas Wahid Hasyim, Semarang on Friday, 3 August 2019. The visit was about to receive more information about the journal management and study program character from Faculty of Law UII. “We understand well that UII especially the Law School produces so many outstanding alumni. Our leadership also graduated from UII. The journal of Ius Quia Iustum also recognized as Sinta with Rank S2. As well as the study program also already accredited by the AUN-QA. Thus, as a new university, we would like to visit our almamater and also to get more information on how UII is so developed in relations with the publication and the study program.” said Dr. Mastur, Dean of the Faculty of Law, Universitas Wahid Hasyim, Semarang.

“We are also very proud to receive and to acknowledge that most of the leadership management, including vice dean and the dean, are also alumni of UII.” replied Hanafi Amrani, PhD acting as Dean of the Faculty of Law UII. The discussion was started with an explanation from the study program presented by Dr. Budi Agus Riswandi.

The event was attended both the leadership from Faculty of Law, Universitas Wahid Hasyim, Semarang and the Faculty of Law UII. The session was ended with the exchange of token appreciation from both the law school Deans.

People with disabilities (PwDs) and special needs have been disproportionately affected by the deterioration in living conditions in the Gaza Strip since March 2017. This situation is driven by a worsening energy crisis, which has resulted in outages of 18-20 hours a day, and an exacerbation of the salary crisis in the public sector, both of which are linked to an escalation in internal Palestinian divisions. The Palestinian Ministry of Social Development estimates that over 49,000 individuals in the Gaza Strip (or 2.4 per cent of the population) suffer from some type of disability, a third of them children. More than 1,100 of these people, including about 300 children, became disabled as a result of injuries incurred during the 2014 hostilities, including approximately 100 amputees.

Responding to that issue, on Wednesday, 22nd of May 2019, Faculty of Law, Universitas Islam Indonesia collaborated with National Center of Community Rehabilitation (NCCR) Palestine conducting guest lecture concerning the “Diplomatic Relations between Republic of Indonesia and Palestine”. The event which was held in the multipurpose room invited Fatma A. Al Ghussain as the NCCR director as a speaker in this occasion. As a moderator, Dodik Setiawan Nur Heriyanto S.H., M.H., LL.M., Ph.D, gave an introduction regarding the brief profile of the NCCR and the current situation in Gaza. In this guest lecture, Fatma explained that there were many victims who suffered from disability because of the attacks carried out by the Israeli government against the Palestinian people, “we need to know that all of these victims are not only Muslims but Christians, Catholics and Jews” she said.

During the event, the participants seemed enthusiastic and gave their attention to the latest issues that occurred in Palestine. Many of the participants asked questions regarding the efforts made by the NCCR and also related to the Palestinian situation, especially the latest gaza. The event was closed with the hand-over of souvenirs from the moderator to the speaker.