“Many notary mistakes that occur are because they do not understand the legal basis of the foundation,” said Dr. Mulyoto, SH, M.Kn lecturer Master Program in Notarial Law Faculty of law Universitas Islam Indonesia at the Studium Generale event “Technique for Making Articles of Association Adjustment Deed/Deed of Establishment of Foundations Given before the Birth of the Foundation Law “.

The event was held on Tuesday, 7 Rajab 1443 H/8 February 2022 at the Cik Di Tiro PYBW Auditorium and was attended in a limited way by students and alumni of PSKPM FH UII.

Head of Master Program in Notarial Law, Dr. Nurjihad, S.H., M.H. in his speech said that the theme of the studium Generale is very important because in practice practitioners who are directly involved or notaries still often face obstacles related to making good and correct deeds.

Reposted by Dr. Mulyoto said that if a notary does not understand the law, the foundation will be very happy, where this has the potential to harm the client. He also said that the notary’s duties were twofold, namely making a Statement of Meeting Resolutions (PKR) and meeting minutes.

In the basic law of the foundation, as stated by Dr. Mulyoto that the foundation may not use a name that has been used legally by another foundation or is contrary to public order and or decency.

Dr. Mulyoto also explained that foundation assets are prohibited from being distributed to supervisors, administrators and supervisors, the exception being those who are not the founders of the foundation and are not affiliated with the founders, administrators and supervisors. He also revealed that when a foundation is dissolved, the remaining assets from liquidation are handed over to a foundation that has the same activities as the disbanded foundation or can be transferred to another legal entity that has the same activities as the disbanded foundation.

[TAMAN SISWA]; On Tuesday (25/01), the 2022 International Mobility Program Student Release event was held successfully by the Faculty of Law, Indonesian Islamic University (FH UII). The event was attended by the Dean of the Faculty of Law, Dr. Abdul Jamil, S.H., M.H., Deputy Dean for Resources, Hanafi Amrani, S.H., M.H., LL.M., Ph.D., Head of the Law Department, Dr. Muhammad Arif Setiawan, S.H., M.H., Secretary of the Department of the Faculty of Law, Islamic University of Indonesia, Bagya Agung Prabowo, S.H., M.Hum., Ph. D., Head of the Undergraduate Law Study Program, Prof. Dr. Budi Agus Riswandi, S.H, M. Hum., Secretary of the Undergraduate Law Study Program, Ari Wibowo, S.H., S.HI, M.H., Secretary of the International Law Study Program, Dodik Setiawan, S.H., M.H., LL.M., Ph. .D directly at the Faculty of Law, Islamic University of Indonesia. The Release ceremony began with an opening by the Master of Ceremony (MC) and continued with remarks and reports by the Head of the 2022 International Mobility Program Team, namely Dodik Setiawan, S.H., M.H., LL.M., Ph.D. In his remarks, he said that FH UII in the last 5 years has had many achievements, especially in the internationalization program. Not only doing research with universities abroad, but also holding joint programs such as credit transfer and double degrees for undergraduate and postgraduate students. This event was also attended by parents from the online delegation of the International Mobility Program.

Then the delegation representatives delivered a farewell welcome represented by Muhammad Sulhan. The names of the delegates in the 2022 International Mobility Program are divided into 2 (two) destinations; 1) Muhammad Sulhan, Muhammad Rhayhan Zidane, Veni Nur Setyaningsih who will carry out the Credit Transfer Program at Youngsan University, South Korea; 2) Wildan Amrillah Amrani, Arief Hasanul Husnan Nasution, Tazkiya Amalia Nasution and Rahadian D. B. Suwartono who will carry out the Undergraduate and Masters Credit Transfer Program at Lobachevsky University Russia. The release of the delegates was carried out by the Dean of the Faculty of Law, Dr. Abdul Jamil, S.H., M.H. who said that apart from their parents, the delegates were very proud of the UII Faculty of Law and included hopes for the delegates so as not to forget the values ​​that had been conveyed during the preparation for departure.

After the remarks by the Dean of the Faculty of Law UII, continued with the delivery of education kits and health kits in the form of honey, vitamins, hand sanitizers and health supplements by the Dean of the Faculty of Law UII accompanied by the Deputy Dean for Resources. Students are also provided with the Koran which is submitted by the Head of the Study Program accompanied by the Secretary of the Study Program. In addition, the head of the Law Department accompanied by the Secretary of the Law Department at the Islamic University of Indonesia was paired with a hat marked with the Faculty of Law UII.
The event for the release of the 2022 International Mobility Program Students was finally closed with a prayer that was said together and led by the Secretary of the Department of the Faculty of Law at the Islamic University of Indonesia, Bagya Agung Prabowo, S.H., M.Hum., Ph. D. The event for the release of the 2022 International Mobility Program Students was finally closed with a prayer that was said together and led by the Secretary of the Department of the Faculty of Law at the Islamic University of Indonesia, Bagya Agung Prabowo, S.H., M.Hum., Ph. D.


[TAMAN SISWA];  A series of Departure Preparation events for the Credit Transfer Program to Lobachevsky University Russia and Youngsan University South Korea held by the International Program (IP) Faculty of Law, Universitas Islam Indonesia (UII) has been successful. The purpose of this event is to provide provisions for participants to continue carrying out study activities abroad without forgetting the values ​​obtained during studying at UII and ready to face all problems later. The event, which lasted for two days, was held on January 13-14, 2022 and  this event was opened by Dean of Faculty of Law UII, Dr. Abdul Jamil, S.H., M.H. And he also presented about ke-UII-an.

In his presentation, advised the students who take part in this program that as the successors of UII’s ancestors, students were required to have the slogan “berilmu amaliyah beramal ilmiah” with the aim of preparing future leaders of the nation related to their readiness to face the risks in life. After the opening, the event continued with preparation materials and explanations regarding the Credit Transfer Program and Double Degrees.

This material was presented by Head of the Credit Transfer and Double Degree Program Implementation Team who is also  Secretary of the International Law Study Program for the Undergraduate Program, Dodik Setiawan Nur Heriyanto, S.H., M.H., LL.M., Ph.D.

The third material with the theme of Academic Commitment During Study Abroad was presented by Head of the Undergraduate Study Program, Prof. Dr. Budi Agus Riswandi, S.H, M.Hum., and  Head of the Masters Program was presented by Drs. Agus Triyanta., M.A., M.H., Ph.D.

Students who take part in this program are also provided with religious materials, the first of which is about Stability of Worship and Morals During Study Abroad by Secretary of the Regular Program of the Law Study Program for the Undergraduate Program, Ari Wibowo, SH, SHI., MH. Then continued material on the Terms and Pillars of the Friday Sermon by Vice Dean for Religion, Student Affairs, and Alumni, Dr. Muntoha, S.H., M.Ag.


The second day (14/22) of the Departure Preparation for the Credit Transfer Program, the first material was presented by Dr.rer.nat. Dian Sari Utami, S.Psi., MA, regarding Psychological Readiness of Credit Transfer Program Participants. The next speaker was Riefki Fajar Ganda Wiguna, S.Pd., M.Hum. He conveyed material about Cultural Awareness in South Korea and Russia. During this presentation, he invited the participants to play a game that sharpened the knowledge of the countries to be visited.

The next material is explained by dr. Hj. Emi Tamaroh, Sp.N. with a discussion, namely the Explanation of Health Protocols during Travel and Study Abroad. The last session on the second day was the Sharing Session of Study Abroad experiences deliver by three the students who were undergoing the Credit Transfer Program at Youngsan University, South Korea, namely Akhiruddin Syahputra Lubis, Aryana Sekar W, and Egita. This event was got good enthusiasm from the participants, because they said that the materials that were presented for the past two days were materials they really needed.


[TAMAN SISWA]; On Wednesday, January 12, 2022, five students from the Faculty of Law at the Universitas Islam Indonesia took part in a conference are held offline and online on a limited basis by implementing health protocols. The five students were Join Degree and Credit Transfer Program students at Youngsan University, Busan, South Korea.

The event was opened with a presentation by the keynote speaker, namely JK Choi, Ph.D., who is also a Researcher at the Korea Institute of Science and Technology Information. On that occasion, JK Choi brought the theme “Introduction to Artificial Intelligence (with DATA Science).” In his explanation, he explained about The Importance of Data (Data Analysis), Progress of DATA Science Research (ILSAN Chemical Industry), Progress of DATA Science Research (GYUNG-NAM Medical Underprivileged Area), Machine Learning (ML) for Artificial Intelligence (AI), Outline of Deep Learning (DL), Progress of Data Science Research (R&D Model for Discovering Future ITEM), History of AI, AI, Application of AI (By Leading Company), to Policy Background for DATA Science (Indonesia).

At the end of the presentation, a question-and-answer session was opened, and responses from participants who took part offline and online. Before being closed by the presenter, there was a response from Dodik Setiawan Nur Heryanto, SH., MH. LL.M. Ph.D. (Secretary of International Undergraduate Study Program in Law Faculty of Law Universitas Islam Indonesia), who took part in the online conference, expressed his gratitude and appreciation to the speakers for providing such exciting material to be discussed, especially regarding DATA which is so developed in today’s era.

After the presentation of the material by the Keynote Speaker, it was followed by a presentation by five law students from the Faculty of Law, the Universitas Islam Indonesia. First was Yuwan Zaghlul Ismail (Students Join Degree), who presented the theme “Initiate The Establishment Of Personal Information Commission (Comparative Study of South Korean Personal Information Commission and Opportunities of Application in Indonesia”; second, Kurniawan Sustrisno Hadi (Student Join Degree) who presented the theme of “Legal Protection Towards The Personal Data Of Ecommerce’s Customer In Indonesia: Reviewed From Tokopedia Case.”

On this occasion, not only did the joint degree students present their presentations offline, but there were also 3 Credit Transfer Program students, namely: first, Akhiruddin Syahputra Lubis, who presented the theme of “Criminal Sanctions Against Misuse Of Personal Data Through The Printing Of Covid-19 Vaccine”. Certificates”; second, Egita Fira Widya, who presented the theme of “Validity Of Electronic Signature In Sale And Purchase Agreement In Electronic Transaction From The Perspective Of Indonesian Civil Law”; Third, Ayana Sekar Widyaningsih who presented the theme “Legal Position Of Joint Degree Letter Of Three Institution Concerning Guidelines For Implementation Of Certain articles of the ITE Law Related To Article 27 (3) of ITE Law Based Criminal Law Perspective”.

The conference, which started at 10.15 am to 00.30 pm local time that was held in Soemyeon, Busan, South Korea, was also attended by Professor Ji Hyun Park (Head of International Affairs and Language Center Youngsan University).

Dear all,
Assalamualaikum warohmatullahi wabarokatuh

We hereby announce that all academic services of the International Program of Undergraduate Study Program in Law, Faculty of Law, Universitas Islam Indonesia will be effectively to be moved and served in the New Building of the Faculty of Law, Integrated Campus, Universitas Islam Indonesia, Kaliurang street KM 14.5, Sleman, Yogyakarta start from February 1, 2022.
We also inform you that on January 25 – 28, 2022 there will be a slight disruption and delay in academic services within the International Program, Undergraduate Study Program in Law, Faculty of Law, Universitas Islam Indonesia, due to the process of moving to the new office.

This we convey this information, please be aware.

Thank you,
Wassalamualaikum warohmatullahi wabarokatuh

International Program

KALIURANG (UII News) – The dissertation entitled “Election Dispute Resolution Legal Politics: Initiating the Establishment of an Election Court in Indonesia” succeeded in leading Rayendra Erwin Moeslimin Singaruju, SH, MH, to defend his dissertation by earning a Doctoral Program in Law Faculty of Law Universitas Islam Indonesia.

The open examination was also attended by 2 Heads of State High Institutions, namely the head of  Supreme Court (MA) RI Prof. Dr. H. M. Syarifuddin, S.H., M.H, and the Chairman of the Indonesian Supreme Audit Agency (BPK) Dr. Agung Firman Sampurna, CSFA., CFrA., CGCAE., QGIA. As well as 2 Ministers, namely the Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal, and Security Affairs, Prof. Dr. H. Mohammad Mahfud Mahmodin, S.H., S.U., M.I.P who also appeared as one of the examiners and the Indonesian Minister of Home Affairs (Mendagri) General Police (Purn.) Prof. Drs. H. Muhammad Tito Karnavian, M.A., Ph.D.

The Doctoral Promotion Examination was held on Friday, 4 Jumadil Akhirah 1443 H/7 January 2022 at the Prof. Auditorium. Dr. KH. Kahar Muzakkir. Erwin explained his dissertation on the Election Court in front of the examiners. Namely. Besides Prof. Mahfud MD, the examiner for this doctoral promotion is Prof. Fathul Wahid Ph.D, Rector UII, Prof. Dr. Ni’matul Huda SH MH (Promoter), Prof. Jawahir Thantowi, P.hD (Co-Promoter), Prof. Dr. Mahfud MD (Examiner), Prof. Amzulian Rifai, P.hD (Examiner), Pro. Dr. Muhammad Fauzan (Examiner), Prof. Dr. I Gusti Ayu Ketut Rachmi Handayani SH,. MH (Examiner) and Dr. Suparman Marzuki SH MSi was also the examiner.

Furthermore, the dissertation entitled “Legal Politics of Electoral Dispute Resolution: Initiating the Establishment of an Electoral Court in Indonesia” seeks to answer the problem of resolving electoral disputes in Indonesia and the ideal election court in the future. In his presentation, Erwin emphasized that the research results showed that the legal politics of election dispute resolution so far has not been strongly and stable institutionalized in one institution.

“Two judicial power institutions, namely the Supreme Court and the Constitutional Court with different character and constitutional mandates, have alternated as places for resolving election disputes, he said. He again explained that the different procedures and decisions of the two often contradict each other and create legal uncertainty and ultimately do not give a sense of justice. Therefore, according to Erwin, in the future an election court institution is needed with a special mandate to adjudicate election disputes which are formed based on the orders of the Election Law, so that there is legal consistency, legal certainty and fairness in the resolution of election disputes,” said Erwin, who is also a former member of the DPR RI.

It is respectfully informed that starting On January 17, 2022, Faculty of Law (FH)  Universitas Islam Indonesia (UII), will occupy a new building at:

Integrated Campus of Universitas Islam Indonesia

Jl. Kaliurang km. 14.5 Sleman, Yogyakarta 55584


In connection with this, all services at Moh. Yamin ‘s Building at Jalan Tamansiswa 158, Yogyakarta will be transferred to the New Building.

Thus this notification is conveyed, thank you for your attention.


Remedial Leaflet [ pdf ]
  1. The Remediation Exam is held by the Study Program with the aim of improving students’ grades and GPA.
  2. The only remediation exams that can be taken are those related to the courses being taken by students in the semester concerned (current semester).
  3. By considering academic, operational and other criteria related to the specifics and existing conditions, the study program may determine the courses offered and/or cancel the Remediation Examination for certain courses and/or classes.
  4. Students taking the Remediation Examination remain in the same Class and Examiner as in this regular semester.
  5. Students can take a maximum of Remediation Exams in all courses taken in this regular semester as long as they meet the requirements, one of which meets a minimum attendance of 75%.


  1. The norms of assessment and determination of graduation in the Remediation Examination are guided by the Study Program regulation.
  2. Assessment components other than Mid Exam(UTS) and Final Exam (UAS) such as lecture attendance, activity, practicum, and assignments are calculated based on achievements in this semester (regular).
  3. The Final Score (NA) of the Remediation Exam results is not considered for taking credits (Credits Allotment) for the next semester, but will be calculated on the cumulative score taken with the best score.


The Posting of Final Mark to UII Gateway (Odd Semester 2021/2022) : January 12, 2022
Key-In Remediation Time : February 17-18, 2022 (no revision period) 08.00-16.00 WIB (Indonesian Western Time)
Payment Period : February 18, 2022 at 17.30 – August 12, 2021 at 14.00 WIB (according to the ID on the bill of UII GATEWAY )
Course Cancellation : Submitted by students because the minimum score is A/B no later than January 12, 2022 at 14.00 IWT
Membership Verification Results : January 19, 2022, at 19.00 look at the gateway, KRS menu or on the Lecture Schedule (Odd Semester of Remediation).
Announcement of Exam Schedule : January 19, 2022, start at 20.00 WIB (see at https://law.uii.ac.id, including info on the course closed by Study Program )
Exam Implementation : January 21 – 28, 2022 (No Make-up Exam)
Remedial Payment Refund : Further information will be announced by the Division of Financial Administration, Faculty of Law, Universitas Islam Indonesia


Time   Payment Time
Monday, January 17, 2022 08.00-16.00   Tuesday, January 18, 2022 16.30 Start
Tuesday, January 18, 2022 08.00-16.00   Wednesday, January 19, 2022 14.00 End


  1. Payment MUST use a billing ID that can be seen on the Gateway (not via transfer via bank account number, because it will not be registered as a participant)
  2. Payment method
    • Mobile Banking;
    • Internet Banking;
    • ATM (on payment/not transfer), or;
    • Teller Bank
  3. Students who have taken the Key-In Remediation Exam but do not pay by the specified payment deadline will be declared void to take the remediation exam (course deleted / Drop).

Remediation Exam Fee The Odd Semester 2021/2022 are as follows:

Cost Per Credit

Student Year
Int. Program (IP)
1 2014/2015 IDR 70.000,00
2 2015/2016 IDR 70.000,00
3 2016/2017 IDR 77.000,00
4 2017/2018 IDR 77.000,00
5 2018/2019 IDR 80.000,00
6 2019/2020 IDR 80.000,00
7 2020/2021 IDR 80.000,00
8 2021/2022 IDR 80.000,00


For students who have already keyed in because the grades have not been released and have paid, it turns out that they have obtained a minimum A/B score after the key-in ends, they have the right to cancel by reporting to the Academic Division to get a refund.


  1. KEY IN students at GATEWAY use the internet network (https://www.gateway.uii.ac.id) , according to schedule.
  2. Use your own Username and Password! If there is a problem, immediately contact the Information Systems Division of the UII Faculty of Law or via https://bsi.uii.ac.id (via WhatsApp number).
  3. Make sure the courses taken are correct (Remember, there are no revisions).
  4. Don’t forget to log out when you’re done Key In.


  1. Refunds can only be made for closed courses/classes or grades in the current semester getting grades of A, A-, or A/B.
  2. The exam is held online, while the rules for the remediation exam refer to the applicable provisions and the instructions of the supporting lecturer.

International Program The Law Study Program, Faculty of Law, Islamic University of Indonesia organizes an international program that will take place between November 23 – December 7, 2021. Program tersebut mengusung nama Virtual Teaching Collaboration Program (VTCP) 2021 dengan tema “Law and The Proliferation of Big Data” yang diselenggarakan berkolaborasi dengan University Malaysia (IIUM) dan Youngsan University of South Korea (YSU). Starting from the first meeting, namely the opening by the Dean of the Faculty of Law UII, Abdul Jamil, S.H., M.H. who gave a keynote address on the introduction of big data, its development, and its impact on individual privacy. After being opened by the Dean, it was followed by a report submitted by the Head of the VTCP Program as well as the Secretary of the International Program for the Undergraduate Law Program, Faculty of Law UII, Dodik Setiawan Nur Heriyanto, S.H, M.H., LL.M., Ph.D.

At the next meeting, on November 25, 2021, the presentation of material by Assoc. Prof. Sony Zulhuda, LL.B., MCI., Ph.D., and Prof. Dr. Budi Agus Riswandi, S.H., M.Hum with the theme Big Data and Privacy Law (Indonesian and Malaysian Perspectives). Furthermore, at the third meeting, on November 30, 2021, the presentation of material on Cyber ​​Law in Sharia Perspectives and Big Data under South Korean Law by Dr. Mahyuddin bin Daud and Prof. Jihyun Park. On 2 December,  Christopher Cason, JD., LL.M and Prof. Ida Madieha Abdul Ghani Azmi presented with the topic of Big Data in the United States and Issues on Artificial Intelligence under Malaysian Law. On December 7, 2021, closing as well as a presentation by participants who were represented by several people based on the distribution of discussion groups.

The Virtual Teaching Collaboration Program which lasted for 5 meetings with a duration of approximately 2 hours was enthusiastically welcomed by participants with more than 100 registrants. Each meeting is always equipped with several questioners who at the end of the event are given an award as the best participant. In addition to the best participants, awards were also given to the best presenters who presented the results of their group discussions. Even though it is held online, VTCP can still run well thanks to the enthusiasm and enthusiasm of the participants and organizers.

Author: M. Syafi’ie, S.H., M.H.

Lecturer in Faculty of Law,  Universitas Islam Indonesia, Departement of Constitutional Law


Organisasi masyarakat sipil, salah satunya Perhimpunan Jiwa Sehat saat ini mempermasalahkan beberapa peraturan dan kebijakan yang mendiskriminasi difabel. Salah satu aturan yang digugat tentang pengampuan. Aturan pengampuan diatur pada Pasal 433 KUH Perdata yang berbunyi: “Setiap orang dewasa yang selalu berada dalam keadaan dungu, sakit otak atau mata gelap harus ditaruh di bawah pengampuan, pun jika ia kadang-kadang cakap mempergunakan pikirannya”.

Pengaturan kecakapan hukum lebih jauh tertera pada Pasal 1330 KUH Perdata yang berbunyi, “Tidak cakap untuk berbuat suatu perjanjian adalah: (1) orang-orang yang belum dewasa; (2) mereka yang ditaruh di bawah pengampuan; (3) orang-orang perempuan, dalam hal-hal yang ditetapkan oleh Undang-Undang da npada umumnya semua orang kepada siapa undang-undang telah melarang membuat perjanjian-perjanjian tertentu.

Pasal di atas dikritik dan realitasnya berdampak nyata, dimana difabel biasa ditolak menjadi pihak dalam kontrak perjanjian, asuransi, dan beberapa kontrak keperdataan. Pihak yang selalu diserahkan tanggungjawab umumnya pengampunya, atau keluarga dekatnya. Banyak ironi yang terjadi, khususnya bagi difabel mental yang harta miliknya dikendalikan oleh pengampu, dan si difabel mental tidak memiliki kuasa untuk mengendalikan hartanya sendiri. Akibatnya, harta milik difabel kerap beralih kepemilikan kepada pengampunya.

Kondisi ini menjadi masalah serius, sehingga aturan pengampuan dinyatakan diskriminatif kepada difabel, melanggar human rights, dan secara normatif bertentangan dengan UU No. 19 Tahun 2011 tentang Pengesahan Konvensi Hak-Hak Penyadang Disabilitas. Secara substansi Konvensi Hak-Hak Penyandang Disabilitas tegas menyatakan bahwa difabel termasuk didalamnya difabel mental memiliki legal capacity, diakui sebagai subyek hukum, tidak boleh didiskriminasi atas dasar disabilitasnya, dan pemerintah wajib menyediakan akses dukungan yang dibutuhkan dalam melaksanakan kapasitas atau kecakapan hukum difabel.

Konvensi Hak-Hak Penyadang Disabilitas mengembangkan sistem baru, yaitu ‘Supported Decision Making atau ‘Sistem Dukungan Dalam Pengamiblan Keputusan’. Sistem ini menegaskan bahwa difabel mental tidak serta merta dihilangkan kapasitas hukumnya dengan jalan pengampuan yang notabene menggunakan model Substituted Decision Making atau Sistem Substitusi dalam Pengambilan Keputusan. Saat ini, idealnya memang ada sistem yang membantu orang-orang dengan hambatan-hambatan tertentu untuk membuat keputusan, dan tidak dihilangkan atau digantikan dengan model subsititusi dalam pengampuan. Apalagi sebagaimana para ahli katakan, difabel mental yang salah satunya  skizofrenia gangguannya pikirannya hanya bersifat kambuhan dan tidak terus menerus.

Telaah kecakapan hukum bagi difabel mental ini menarik untuk dikaji lebih jauh, khususnya bagaimana tinjauan hukum Islam dan konteks maslahat yang perlu diambil dari dua sistem hukum yang tidak harmonis: apakah pengampuan yang menggunakan model substitusi (pengganti) atau sistem dukungan dalam pengambilan keputusan?


Dalam kajian ushul fiqh, kecakapan hukum atau legal capacity dikenal dengan konsep ahliyahyaitu kecakapan menangani suatu urusan. Konsep ahliyah mencakup ahliyah al-wujub (kepantasan seseorang manusia untuk menerima hak-hak dan dikenai kewajiban) dan ahliyah al-ada’ (kecakapan bertindak secara hukum dan pantas dimintai pertanggungjawaban hukum).

Semua orang dalam hukum Islam dinyatakan ahliyah al-wujub, walau pun orang-orang tersebut dinyatakan tidak sempurna (naqish). Contohnya, anak-anak yang berada dalam kandungan ibunya, menurut para pakar telah dinyatakan memiliki memiliki hak, bahkan orang-orang yang dianggap memiliki gangguan kejiwaan (majnun) tetap dianggap memiki hak. Kelompok ahliyyah al-wujub ini ada dua, pertama, ahliyyah wal-wujub an-naqisah yaitu kecakapan seseorang untuk menerima hak, tetapi tidak menerima kewajiban, contohnya bayi dalam kandungan. Kedua, ahliyyah wal-wujub al-kamilah yaitu kecakapan seseorang untuk dikenai kewajiban dan menerima hak sekaligus.

Dalam konteks kecakapan bertindak, dalam fiqh Islam dikatakan bahwa tidak semua orang dapat dikatakan sebagai ahliyyah al-ada’ (cakap bertindak) secara sempurna. Tidak semua orang dinyatakan dapat melakukan tindakan hukum. Mengapa? Karena ada beberapa indikator yang menjadi alasan penghalang seseorang dalam melakukan tindakan hukum. Dalam hukum Islam, orang yang mengalami gangguan jiwa total dan terus menerus dinyatakan tidak memiliki ahliyah al-ada’. Tindakannya tidak menjadi tindakan hukum. Orang-orang yang mengalami gangguan jiwa total dinyatakan tidak memiliki kewajiban menjalankan syari’at dalam Islam. Orang yang diwajibkan menjalankan syariat yang disebut mukallaf indikatornya dewasa dan berakal.

Orang yang dewasa dan sempurna akalnya memiliki kewajiban menjalankan kewajiban syariat Islam. Karena itu, difabel yang sekedar memiliki hambatan penglihatan, pendengaran, wicara, dan mobilitas tidak lepas dari tanggungjawab melaksanakan kewajiban syariat  atau hukum dalam Islam. Dalam hal ini, mereka bisa disebut memiliki kecakapan bertindak (ahliyyah al-ada’).

 Bagaimana dengan difabel mental? Dalam UU No. 8 Tahun 2016, difabel mental terdiri dari dua, yaitu : psikososial diantaranya skizofrenia, bipolar, depresi, aunxitas, dan gangguan kepribadian. Kedua, disabilitas perkembangan yang berpengaruh pada kemampuan interaksi sosial diantaranya autis dan hiperaktif. Merujuk ketentuan ini, difabel mental yang memiliki hambatan paling serius ialah skizofrenia. Namun demikian menurut ahli, skizofrenia ialah gangguan kejiwaan yang biasdanya terjadi dalam jangka panjang. Namun demikian, skizofrenia tidak terjadi secara terus menerus, tetapi bersifat episodik. Fungsi akal pikirannya bisa hilang saat dalam kondisi relaps atau kambuh saja.

Dalam konteks hukum Islam, dewasa dan akal menjadi kunci kecakapan bertindak, saat akal dan kesadaran hilang maka saat itu pula kecakapan bertindak tidak diberikan. Kondisi ini menegaskan karena difabel skizofrenia tidak sepenuh waktunya kehilangan akal, tetapi pada saat relaps (kambuh) saja. Artinya, saat akal pikiran difabel mental tidak relaps, maka pada saat itulah kewajiban hukum wajib ia lakukan, dan pada saat bersaman ia memiliki hak dan dapat dikatakan cakap untuk bertindak (ahliyah al-ada’).


Dalam kajian usul fiqh, maslahah ditempatkan sebagai bagian metode penggalian hukum Islam yang dikenal dengan maslahah mursalah, dan dalam kajian maqosid syariah, maslahah ditempatkan sebagai motivasi dan tujuan universal daripada hukum Islam, dimana keberadaan hukum Islam di tengah perubahan tempat dan waktu yang silih berganti selalu akan berkontribusi pada pencapaian nilai kemanfaatan untuk kepentingan umat manusia.

Maslahat diartikan dengan faedah, kepentingan, dan kemanfataatan. Pemikir lain mengartikan maslahah dengan sebab atau sumber sesuatu yang baik dan bermanfaat (a cause or source of someting good and beneficial). Maslahah juga sering diartikan dengan kepentingan umum (public interest).

Dalam konteks kecakapan hukum difabel mental, dimana pada Pasal 433 KUH Perdata dinyatakan berada di bawah pengampuan, aturan ini dalam banyak hal telah dikritik karena telah melahirkan kemudaratan, praktik diskrimiminatif, dan melanggar hak-hak difabel. Mendasarkan pada kondisi ini, maka sudah selayaknya sistem pengampuan yang merujuk pada model Substituted Decision Making diubah dan ditranformasi dengan system Supported Decision Making atau Sistem Dukungan dalam Pengambilan Keputusan yang secara konseptual sejalan dengan human rights, nilai maslahat, serta menghargai harkat dan martabat kaum difabel yang rentan.



This article have been published in Sindo Newspaper, 4 January 2022.