Assalamu’alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh
The International Program, Undergraduate Study Program in Law, Faculty of Law, Universitas Islam Indonesia (UII) will present:
lnternational Student Colloquium with the topic of “Best Practices in Combating Transnational Crimes: Comparative Studies in Indonesia, the United Kingdom, the United States, and South Korea”.
We invite you Mr/Mrs/Brother/sister to join us on :
📆 Day/Date : Tuesday, December 13th, 2022
🕰️ Time : 13:00 PM – 17.00 PM (Indonesian Western Time)
Event type: Hybrid
Place : Audiovisual Room, 4th Floor, Faculty of Law UII, Integrated Campus of UII, Jalan Kaliurang KM. 14.5 Yogyakarta 55584
🗣️ Speaker :
Keynote Speaker
Assoc. Prof. Hanafi Amrani, S.H., M.H., L.LM., Ph.D.
Head of Cluster of Criminal Law
1st Speaker : Dr. Andrea Preziosi (Aston Law School, the United Kingdom)
Topic : Confiscation of the Proceeds of Crime after Conviction in the United Kingdom
2nd Speaker : Christopher Michael Cason, JD. , J.D., LL.B., LL.M. (UII)
Topic : Countering Transnational Corruption in the United States
3th Speaker : Prof. Jihyun Park. (Youngsan University)
Topic : Skyrocketing Cyber Crimes and Challenges of South Korean Cyber Law
4th Speaker : Ari Wibowo, SHI, SH, MH (UII)
Topic : Confistication of Corruption Assets in Indonesia: Domestic and International Challenges
Moderator : Ayu Izza Elvany, S.H., M.H.
The main webinar of International Student Colloquium is open for public (lecturers and students) from Faculty of Law UII and outside. Law students from any universities may participate in the International Students Colloqiuoum’s Call for Paper.
Submission of Abstract : 10 December 2022
(and Participants Registration Deadline)
Presentation : 13 December 2022 (15.15 – 16.30)
Paper Submission : 25 January 2023
Announcement of Publication: 10 February 2023
Announcement of Best Paper : 10 February 2022
The selected papers will be presented at the International Student’s Colloquium and be given several awards, namely: 1st Best Paper, 2nd Best Paper, and 3rd Best Paper.
For presentation: 1st Best Presenter, 2nd Best Presenter, and 3rd Best Presenter.
For Participant: 1st Best Participant and 2nd Best Participant.
lnternational Student Colloquium must fill out the form on the registration link first:
Guidebook for Author
Please download the abstract template and proceeding template via this link:
Registration and Abstract Submission
Contact Person :
081390129026 (Abil Hudzaifi)
Opportunity doesn’t come twice, register soon
Wassalamu’alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh